Posted July 11, 2021
timppu: Too much work trying to track (and download) possible updates for over 2000 games... but to each his own.
If it had been closed source, then it wouldn't be usable today, unless someone else created a similar tool from scratch themselves.
But you have the wonderful changelogs and new/updated? Yes, I am well aware it could be better, but seriously there are not that many updates, unless you hit one of “those” games like north guard, or you are buying indev and then it’s your own fault. nightcraw1er.488: “ The version in the 2015 message is not actively maintained anymore, I think? One should seek the kalanyr branch of that, and IMHO use the development version of that as it has more useful features.” - yeah, I don’t use it myself, like with most open source you will spend most of your time finding out which branch or fork you need and which set of distributables or software you need to get it going.
timppu: But being open source has made it possible for other people to continue maintaining the tool so that it can still be used, when the original author has (apparently) abandoned the project. If it had been closed source, then it wouldn't be usable today, unless someone else created a similar tool from scratch themselves.
Yes, well aware of the plus and minuses of proprietary versus open source. Am quite open source myself, but am aware of the limitations of it.