Thanks for your suggestions Nightcraw1er, much appreciated—I'll check them out shortly.
nightcraw1er.488: I will be moving to my own database at some point. I would really not recommend using excel, at some point you will find it unwieldy and possibly corrupting your data (mine I must have sorted but only a few columns). Databases are more effort but better in every way - my visual db is a good free one.
Making my own DB is actually why I posted. I currently have a lot of them in Excel, but it's not ideal for slicing and dicing or holding a lot of info about a game—eg my notes about patches or mods or handling quirks, or just notes or quick review summary for myself.
I already use Access DB, so I'm good for resources. Altho my visual db does look very friendly, something I can't accuse Access of!
Ultimately you won't get this kind of thing from the stores as it's in their interest to get you to buy things, not to reduce the catalog.
Well it has the opposite effect on me. If I can't establish quickly whether or not I have a game, I'll pass on their latest offer unless I have time to burn—and that's rare.
Thanks again!
mike_cesara: I recommend
MaGog For more information check
mrkgnao's thread Thanks Mike, I'll check those.