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Mister-Gosh: Hey people, I'm back to drive you crazy while complaining every next game is not Dragonfall! Well, until it is.
<insert game> is NOT <insert game>.

There, now you all can use this template. :P
Post edited March 05, 2015 by stg83
high rated
Shit, I grab a few hours sleep and what happens? I miss the Snooker conversation and drop six points! :P
HypersomniacLive: Howdy everyone,

Cheers to ElTerprise for the latest list, and to Ominousrobot for the spot-on pic!

Hope there were lots of critical hits and happy peeps while I was gone.
Tarnicus: hey hey mate :) We had to resort to trivia giveaways of Steam and GOG codes at one stage as things slowed right down. I've got more handy for the next slow period, that is if I can stop being so chatty to write up more questions :P
Well we could as well quote poems and discuss possible interpretations of them ... just like in school ... that would get the people out of the forums and maybe the'd buy some copes of whatever Kean game is up right then.
Tarnicus: hey hey mate :) We had to resort to trivia giveaways of Steam and GOG codes at one stage as things slowed right down. I've got more handy for the next slow period, that is if I can stop being so chatty to write up more questions :P
Hey yourself! Chat away, that's one of the best things about tracker threads. ;-)

How's the eye doing?
After I finally got everything I wanted from this promo, I just fell asleep for about a solid 12 hours. I feel much better now. :D
Hum, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising might actually go faster than Seven Seas of Gold.
Tannath: Good stuff.
Mister-Gosh: haha!
It was, wasn't it?

Even though Alvaro didn't bother putting any effort in the script towards the end, with the jokes were becoming more and more stale, and Nacho's art going from stylized to downright lazy.

Just like the orginal manga it parodied.

But the star wars red ribbon army was GLORIOUS!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by j0ekerr
tinyE: Shit, I grab a few hours sleep and what happens? I miss the Snooker conversation and drop six points! :P
There, take one back. =P
I'm on a mobile phone at the moment so searching this tiny thread /s isn't an easy option. Has Sam & Max come around for its final time?
j0ekerr: I got Bird Story for the price of two beers.
Which is a fair price, because completing the game won't take longer than drinking two beers.
tinyE: Shit, I grab a few hours sleep and what happens? I miss the Snooker conversation and drop six points! :P
You play snooker, I always imagined you as more of a Carom guy. :P
Splatsch: That's why I talked a little about it : I was very pleased with it, and I know well how hard it could be to purchase a game with a high price : I was hesitating a lot too before I buy it (and I looked at a lot of review before), but I'm glad to have bought it. They're planning a demo when the final version will be out : it'll be very useful (it's just sad that they actually still don't have an up to date one).
omega64: Damn, I missed it again. ;'(
Argh, nooo ! I remembered someone saying he was looking for it ! It was you ! I was sure that at the pace it has gone, you would have been able to buy it XD
I'm sorry ! You'll have to wait like me for the third round :/ (If I can, I would like to grab Door Kickers. I experienced "GOGbear" when it was on sale one second round, and missed it on first)
Ominousrobot: Now that i see it written down like that, the rules make perfect sense. lol

Now explain aussie rules please
Haha I did play that one a little when younger but not much. Er the rules are 6 points between the middle posts for a goal, 1 point for either of the smaller posts to the side, called a behind. The ball must be bounced every 10 steps and passing occurs in a really weird manner by punching the ball to another player. If a ball is kicked and caught on the full, it is called a mark, and the catcher gets a free kick. Oh and they are really dirty when they play and do all manner of things to cheat. That's the extent of my knowledge :D
guppy44: I'm on a mobile phone at the moment so searching this tiny thread /s isn't an easy option. Has Sam & Max come around for its final time?
Nope, you got a chance :)
What is the chance that X-WING will come again?