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Tarnicus: I've grabbed far more than intended and will get together a list, possibly later tonight. This is my last sale until I complete a few much needed tasks, I swear it! lol
Really glad to hear that the treatment for the eye is working Tarnicus and things are going well for you, regarding the sale though you know its not possible especially if its insomnia. ;)
mistermumbles: Just out of curiosity I counted the ones I completed in my own library. My completion rate is actually much higher than I first would have thought. Out of 572 games 107 have been beaten, some of which are even multiple games in one box. Mind you some of the games in my collection technically can't be beaten.
That is a very impressive completion rate! If I rounded down my completion rate from games across all platforms to the nearest percentage, it would be closest to 0% :D
CarrionCrow: I would love to see a poll concerning how many people run Skyrim with mods, versus those who run it without.

I think Skyrim as Bethesda made it is a frequent clunky game with a lot of repetition and the potential for tens of hours of wasted time on inventory management.

Every single person I see talk about Skyrim invariably mentions the 1 to 5 mods that they feel are essential for full enjoyment of the game.
To me, that says I should send kudos to the modders who made something much better on their own out of the mediocrity that Bethesda presented.
I would run that poll through a particular sieve to get significant data and not just a bunch of worthless statistics.

How many of the total players, know how to install mods.

Believe it or not, there IS a bunch of people who play on PC who don't even know how to access their administration panel.

Pony mod is best mod.
Btw Crow, are you taking over tracking duties while Gragar and Sinistar are unconscious?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by j0ekerr
low rated
Tarnicus: I've grabbed far more than intended and will get together a list, possibly later tonight. This is my last sale until I complete a few much needed tasks, I swear it! lol
stg83: Really glad to hear that the treatment for the eye is working Tarnicus and things are going well for you, regarding the sale though you know its not possible especially if its insomnia. ;)
Like all addictions, this game-buying one will be stopped AFTER this sale and not now *coughs* I swear!
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Really frigging slow here...

If it's showing, it's still to come. If it's older and not showing? Sorry, you've missed your last chance.
If it's newer and showing? It's part of round two. If it's newer and not showing? Settle in for a long wait, you might have a chance to get what you want in round three.
j0ekerr: I'm mostly covered as far as seasoned deals are concerned. Any of the fresh deals will have to remain in my wishlist due to budget constraints.

Except that now I need to get a few gift codes or I'll feel like even more of a cheap bastard. But since Mr Krabs is my spiritual liege they'll have to be some of the inexpensive ones from the seasoned deals.

I was thinking maybe wizardry, nox and or bad's tale?
From everything I've heard, Wizardry is good. I know from experience that Nox is good. Not sure on the Bard's Tale, though.
CarrionCrow: I would love to see a poll concerning how many people run Skyrim with mods, versus those who run it without.

I think Skyrim as Bethesda made it is a frequent clunky game with a lot of repetition and the potential for tens of hours of wasted time on inventory management.

Every single person I see talk about Skyrim invariably mentions the 1 to 5 mods that they feel are essential for full enjoyment of the game.
To me, that says I should send kudos to the modders who made something much better on their own out of the mediocrity that Bethesda presented.
j0ekerr: I would run that poll through a particular sieve to get significant data and not just a bunch of worthless statistics.

How many of the total players, know how to install mods.

Believe it or not, there IS a bunch of people who play on PC who don't even know how to access their administration panel.

Pony mod is best mod.
When I play Skyrim, I only use one mod:
Enhanced Blood Textures.
low rated
And given how slowly things are moving with the sale, keep an eye on this thread. I have 2 posts to write and 1 PM to respond to, and then I'll get the ball moving with some trivia giveaways :) Games will be from GOG, Steam and Desura. You guys can help me clean out my list of spare codes! GOG games are not limited to this sale but also include ones acquired in the past :)
Wizardry is sadistic, Bard's Tale is a wizardry rip-off that is superior in some ways and Nox is just one of the best action RPGs available, I finished it 3 times.
It seems, the sales are going slowly with time ... people are getting tired or are already at their limits.
skeletonbow: immensely fun
INFERNO.COP: That's a bit of an overstatement if you ask me. Don't have time to rant about it now, nor is it the right place to do so but there are plenty wrong with Skyrim. Addictive? Sure, that is a way better word for it. And sure, it is fun, but I wouldn't call it "immensely". This coming from someone that has over 250 hours clocked on the last playthrough, with a second older playthrough I didn't actually time but that shouldn't be that far off either.
As I said in a previous comment, not every person is going to react the same to a game or enjoy it in the same way, however nonetheless Skyrim is the 6th most popular game on Steam right now and has been holding roughly that position since it was released 3-4 years ago, and a game doesn't get played that much by that many people for being boring. People will love it and people will hate it, but enough people love it enough to make it consistently stay on position 6 or 7 on Steam pretty much in an ongoing basis and that has statistical relevance across the population despite individual variance.

It's ok to dislike Skyrim, but doing so is a statistical anomaly and not par for the course. :)
ElTerprise: You can use the tracker:
jonthomas83: Thank you so much for this, is there a perimeter I could use in the URL to sort latest to be first in the list to limit the need for scrolling to the bottom each time I refresh? Many thanks
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Dedee
Best Elder Scrolls game is Morrowind anyway, since then the series went down the console hill.
skeletonbow: Skyrim is the 6th most popular game on Steam right now
What are the first 5 most popular games on Steam?
ElTerprise: You can use the tracker:
jonthomas83: Thank you so much for this, is there a perimeter I could use in the URL to sort latest to be first in the list to limit the need for scrolling to the bottom each time I refresh? Many thanks
Whoops guess I was wrong earlier. Didn't know it could be done. Here's the link: thanks to Dedee

jonthomas83: Thank you so much for this, is there a perimeter I could use in the URL to sort latest to be first in the list to limit the need for scrolling to the bottom each time I refresh? Many thanks
Post edited March 05, 2015 by opticq
jonthomas83: Thank you so much for this, is there a perimeter I could use in the URL to sort latest to be first in the list to limit the need for scrolling to the bottom each time I refresh? Many thanks
Incredible, thanks so much for this!