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j0ekerr: Good morning boys and girls, even if the rules of the internet state the latter is a physical impossibility.


How have things been? Slow from what I see.
Good morning Spain, from Portugal. Things are slower than a snail here and have been for hours. 4 games since about 5am, and Xenonauts looks as though it is set in for the day. :-(

Somebody start a run on Xenonauts, please.....
So we haven't gotten a release all week right? I'm hoping for some LA or WB games soon
LiefLayer: I personally think skyrim not very inspiring.
If I were to recommend a replacement would say the Witcher, or King's bounty the legend.
the witcher is as close as graphics and gameplay.
but a king's bounty the legend is more open world.

Certainly even dragon age is not bad.
Sure, no game is going to be everyone's favourite and Skyrim is no exception. Having said that, Skyrim didn't end up landing at the 6th to 7th top game on Steam in Steam stats for the last 3 years in a row ongoing because it is a bad game that isn't fun. ;)

Just sayin... :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by skeletonbow
Getcomposted: Morning, all.
Another day, another insomnia-filled one. :P
I'm hoping that, incredibly, Myst, Grimrock 2 and The Last Federation will appear in the next two hours before I have to leave and be internet blind for yet another doctor's appointment.

With my luck, they'll appear in the next three hours after I leave. :(
Look on the bright side, my bank account won't send burly men to my door in the middle of the night. :P
P.S. Have all the games on Cycle 2 gone through?
I know Seasoned has, but has Fresh?
Good morning. =)

Your best probability is for Last Federation, with a current 5 percent chance of showing up next.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Good morning. I didn't miss anything I would've considered buying! Time for another round of clicking every Buy now button in hopes of getting a Freebie...
Ominousrobot: Here's a quicky for all you insomnomaniac's still fighting off the sweet embrace of sleep.
I love it and that was me this morning after the sun came up!
skeletonbow: immensely fun
That's a bit of an overstatement if you ask me. Don't have time to rant about it now, nor is it the right place to do so but there are plenty wrong with Skyrim. Addictive? Sure, that is a way better word for it. And sure, it is fun, but I wouldn't call it "immensely". This coming from someone that has over 250 hours clocked on the last playthrough, with a second older playthrough I didn't actually time but that shouldn't be that far off either.
opticq: Just reached over 100 games on GOG. 40 of them I have beaten.
The_Blog: Wow that is quite a nice completion rate.
Just out of curiosity I counted the ones I completed in my own library. My completion rate is actually much higher than I first would have thought. Out of 572 games 107 have been beaten, some of which are even multiple games in one box. Mind you some of the games in my collection technically can't be beaten.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by mistermumbles
Come on, give us some homm games (preferably old) :)
LiefLayer: I personally think skyrim not very inspiring.
If I were to recommend a replacement would say the Witcher, or King's bounty the legend.
the witcher is as close as graphics and gameplay.
but a king's bounty the legend is more open world.

Certainly even dragon age is not bad.
skeletonbow: Sure, no game is going to be everyone's favourite and Skyrim is no exception. Having said that, Skyrim didn't end up landing at the 6th to 7th top game on Steam in Steam stats for the last 3 years in a row ongoing because it is a bad game that isn't fun. ;)

Just sayin... :)
I would love to see a poll concerning how many people run Skyrim with mods, versus those who run it without.

I think Skyrim as Bethesda made it is a frequent clunky game with a lot of repetition and the potential for tens of hours of wasted time on inventory management.

Every single person I see talk about Skyrim invariably mentions the 1 to 5 mods that they feel are essential for full enjoyment of the game.
To me, that says I should send kudos to the modders who made something much better on their own out of the mediocrity that Bethesda presented.
Woot? Seasoned are already at third cycle? Oh well, then I'm sure I won't get Dark Reign during this sale :))
opticq: So we haven't gotten a release all week right? I'm hoping for some LA or WB games soon
Didn't someone mention in the thread that Train Fever is about to released toady on gog?
Speaking of Last Federation, I'm still on the fence about that game. Can someone who likes it (or dislikes it) tell me why he likes/dislikes the game?
LiefLayer: I personally think skyrim not very inspiring.
If I were to recommend a replacement would say the Witcher, or King's bounty the legend.
the witcher is as close as graphics and gameplay.
but a king's bounty the legend is more open world.

Certainly even dragon age is not bad.
skeletonbow: Sure, no game is going to be everyone's favourite and Skyrim is no exception. Having said that, Skyrim didn't end up landing at the 6th to 7th top game on Steam in Steam stats for the last 3 years in a row ongoing because it is a bad game that isn't fun. ;)

Just sayin... :)
it's not a bad game...just not very inspiring.
It seems that the creators have created a whole world and have forgotten to add a real plot. Skyrim seems a world full of things to do but almost all of low importance. It seems very version "RPG", of GTA.
I then GTA vice city for example, liked it, but I recognize that many missions were just filler.
opticq: So we haven't gotten a release all week right? I'm hoping for some LA or WB games soon
ElTerprise: Didn't someone mention in the thread that Train Fever is about to released toady on gog?
Right I remember seeing that

Also it's interesting how the Twitch stream has games on it that aren't in the sale. I was hoping for Steamworld Dig