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superstande: Mojo is a good game I hear. Got it from the last pro-mo. But it's notnox!
Did the fella who was eagerly waiting for Nox get it? I hope so
bugamn: I don't know about other people, but I wanted it and I got it. Is Bad Mojo really good?
Definitely the game is inspired from Franz Kafka, but I'm not sure if I want to play it.

Anyway if anyone is interested in ebooks:
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English -
Post edited March 05, 2015 by vanchann
I would sell my digital soul for a copy of Nexus but I have to go to bed hopefully it wont show up for another 7 hours. Good luck everyone I will see you all in the morning.
I hope Shadowrun Dragonfall, Cognition, and The Gamers don't show up for a bit. I'm out!

Goodnight everybody! Have a pleasant evening/morning/etc. and may you get that freebie you wanted. :)
Tarnicus: *Looger23 successfully casts Summon Bad Mojo*
Gnostic: Wild Surge, Spell cast 250 times

Look at what you done, don't you know how long it takes to clean them up?
at least I wasn't the one who miscasted Terraria...
It's my turn to go to get some sleep. Good night all and good luck.
It's official I hate you guys, looked up nox now, as it didn't tickle my fancy last round, and now it does, it noxing come now need to go shower and shave and get ready for work
I kind of want Bad Moro. Should I do it?
justanoldgamer: This is to the best of my knowledge the current state of things. This would not be possible without IAmSinistars and cie efforts. Any error is mine.

Titles currently on sale:
Seasoned: Bad Mojo Redux
Fresh: Terraria

To come in current round:

Seasoned (3rd round):
7th Guest
... (edited to shorten)

Wow, that is most helpful, thank you. I hope that Children of the Nile comes up soon, while I'm here, a few others also. But with GOG deciding to throw out 600 copies of Terraria, which I already own, it could be a loong wait.

Mojo still hanging in there, doesn't anyone else fancy a little Kafka? I'm passing on that one.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by zenwan
sharp299: it must be, it always sells well, however I will never understand why, personally I'm hate cockroaches .... DX
superstande: Very tasty when cooked properly. And their legs are not as tough as grasshopper's :)
it should be, in many countries they are a famous dish but I think you must have nerves of steel ... I have fear them, even when they are dead... p.q
Post edited March 05, 2015 by sharp299
Celton88: I kind of want Bad Moro. Should I do it?
Sure, why not. I've seen a bunch of video games in my life, but Bad Mojo's the only one where you literally play as a cockroach.
Also, it's 1.19. Gas stations charge almost that much for medium to large fountain drinks. It's pocket change.

Worst case scenario, you'll ascend to the mountaintop, scream your rage at GOG for taking your dollar nineteen, then feel really silly, laugh at yourself and go on with life.
Gnostic: Wild Surge, Spell cast 250 times

Look at what you done, don't you know how long it takes to clean them up?
Looger23: at least I wasn't the one who miscasted Terraria...
Cast Flame Arrow on Bad Mojo,

Invoke Bank Card information

Success, Bad Mojo has taken 1 damage. 1 copy burned.

With the help of other spell casters, Bad Mojo HP has been reduced to 91
Good morning guys,
I'm up and running again :)
Morning all. How is lurking going?
I just read about Massive Crit. That was really unexpected. And congrats all who were so lucky! Good job, GoG :)

Oh, and damn. As I expected. Shadowgate was on its night mission.
truhlik: Morning all. How is lurking going?
I just read about Massive Crit. That was really unexpected. And congrats all who were so lucky! Good job, GoG :)

Oh, and damn. As I expected. Shadowgate was on its night mission.
What happened?
Guys does somebody have a spare Red Faction 1 key as i depleted my cc yesterday and would to get it before its gone. Pls help