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I'm really tired and I'm tired of waiting for Dragonfall so this seems like a good time to start posting.
NOx sold out really quickly for the second round. And Bad Mojo up for the person looking for it
low rated
Looger23: Wow, I was able to take a bath between tetrobot and tetrobot.

Now give me bad mojo and banished, please.
*Looger23 successfully casts Summon Bad Mojo*

Congrats! :)
budejovice: Finally off the clock. Regarding the increased hours, I have an increasingly passive-aggressive cat probably knocking stuff over at home waiting for me to arrive...

I would have hoped the Europeans would be waking up and clearing these out, but it's Insomnia and they've all just keeled over on their desks...

20 each, and I've already bought my gifts...

Should I stay or should I go? :)

EDIT: Screw it. Poor Elvis. I'm comin' for you!

G'night all! Until tomorrow...
rest well! :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Tarnicus
I'm having trouble using the site right now. I really hope it works by tomorrow, as I've missed out on two games now (Dead State and Doorkickers). Nothing loads, nothing works. I sent in a support ticket but other people are having the same problem, though apparently not all. It doesn't matter what browser I use or what computer I use. Yesterday it worked fine, but now not so much. I might have to bow out if it doesn't work by morning and take by 7 games or so I scored. Hopefully Dead State and Doorkickers will be on sale again by summer.

Please work by tomorrow!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by JinseiNGC224
Maybe the last 7 tetrobots will never sell. Maybe they'll just stay there forever and the sale will never end.
Okay... just waiting for what comes after Tetrobot and then I'll sleep!

Now only banished is left on my list
trentonlf: Always pick the cat!! Get some rest and we will see you tomorrow :)
That is what one of mine told me when I finally crashed out at 9am. She was thoroughly unimpressed that I chose to stay up all night having a blast on here instead of being her servant and blanket. When I awoke, she was in the same position as when I went to sleep; looking down condescendingly upon me as if I wasn't worthy of being in the same room as her! How dare I choose anything over her desires :P
Mojo is a good game I hear. Got it from the last pro-mo. But it's notnox!
Did the fella who was eagerly waiting for Nox get it? I hope so
There's Terrarria. Wasn't someone waiting for that?
Ok just Terraria. I'll will rest and sleep now.
Tarnicus: That is what one of mine told me when I finally crashed out at 9am. She was thoroughly unimpressed that I chose to stay up all night having a blast on here instead of being her servant and blanket. When I awoke, she was in the same position as when I went to sleep; looking down condescendingly upon me as if I wasn't worthy of being in the same room as her! How dare I choose anything over her desires :P
I currently have two cats in my lap and one by my side curled up with 2 dogs at my feet. My babies don't let me forget they are here LOL ;)
600 Terrarias? I wonder how fast that will sell. It's pretty fun, so go out and buy it!
600 people have to buy terraria

or one person buys 600 terraria

not it.
And now 2 games I own on Steam. Tempted to pick them up solely for the bonus goodies and being DRM free, but I also need to save money...