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The_Blog: Jesus already 6:06am here. But I really wanna know what lies behind Tetrobot >.<
Cmon guys grab it. It is a cool game!
It seems you'll have to wait until 6:30 :p
RoloTony: Oh, no, I missed Sam And Max Hit The Road! I was hoping it wouldn't come up again until I could get back online. Curse you, Insomnia Sale!
Palinn: Was that the second or third time for Sam & Max? I've been waiting for it too.
The second time.
Wow, I was able to take a bath between tetrobot and tetrobot.

Now give me bad mojo and banished, please.
Tarnicus: Lovely Spam? *ears perk up*
MissFable: would you like the"Lobster Thermidor aux crevettes with a Mornay sauce, garnished with truffle pâté, brandy and a fried egg on top and Spam?
That sounds about as delicious as spam to this vegetarian :P Here, let me cook you one of my favourite dishes, a delicious red lentil dahl :)
high rated
Finally off the clock. Regarding the increased hours, I have an increasingly passive-aggressive cat probably knocking stuff over at home waiting for me to arrive...

I would have hoped the Europeans would be waking up and clearing these out, but it's Insomnia and they've all just keeled over on their desks...

20 each, and I've already bought my gifts...

Should I stay or should I go? :)

EDIT: Screw it. Poor Elvis. I'm comin' for you!

G'night all! Until tomorrow...
Post edited March 05, 2015 by budejovice
budejovice: Finally off the clock. Regarding the increased hours, I have an increasingly passive-aggressive cat probably knocking stuff over at home waiting for me to arrive...

I would have hoped the Europeans would be waking up and clearing these out, but it's Insomnia and they've all just keeled over on their desks...

20 each, and I've already bought my gifts...

Should I stay or should I go? :)
Well it is like extremly early in the morning here. So wait 2-3 hours and the people will start to get a bit more active.
The_Blog: Jesus already 6:06am here. But I really wanna know what lies behind Tetrobot >.<
Cmon guys grab it. It is a cool game!
But if we get Tetrobot, we'll have to get Blocks that Matter!
I'll admit it looks interesting, but I'll pass for now.
budejovice: Finally off the clock. Regarding the increased hours, I have an increasingly passive-aggressive cat probably knocking stuff over at home waiting for me to arrive...

I would have hoped the Europeans would be waking up and clearing these out, but it's Insomnia and they've all just keeled over on their desks...

20 each, and I've already bought my gifts...

Should I stay or should I go? :)

EDIT: Screw it. Poor Elvis. I'm comin' for you!

G'night all! Until tomorrow...
-laughs- Goodnight, sleep well when you get there. =)
budejovice: Finally off the clock. Regarding the increased hours, I have an increasingly passive-aggressive cat probably knocking stuff over at home waiting for me to arrive...

I would have hoped the Europeans would be waking up and clearing these out, but it's Insomnia and they've all just keeled over on their desks...

20 each, and I've already bought my gifts...

Should I stay or should I go? :)

EDIT: Screw it. Poor Elvis. I'm comin' for you!

G'night all! Until tomorrow...
Always pick the cat!! Get some rest and we will see you tomorrow :)
What will finish first is the question now ^^
zenwan: Hello, I'm new, but I have spent hours reading the posts. This thread is more fun than playing most games, and has kept me entertained while I waited for games to come up.

I missed the last one I tried to buy, clicked on the buy button and the wheels just went round and round and round until I finally refreshed the page to find GOG telling me that I had missed my chance and I could either pay the full price or buy something else or wait for a freebie. Freebie? Ha! Not one has come my way so far.

The game I lost was Children of the Nile, if anyone has an unwanted copy to sell or swap?
I did buy the next game that game up, which I didn't really want, so I could offer Clive Barker's Undying in exchange? Also several other games, which I can't recall off the top of my head, but I could name some in my morning. I'm not a night owl, and I've been up since 4am, so I'll have to check my library in the morning.

I missed Arcanum yesterday, when the GOG site wouldn't load, and I'm still hoping for Baldur's Gate to appear, also Long Live the Queen, but I think I'm hoping in vain...

I posted this once already, I thought, but it's missing. Lazarus kindly restored it for me, so I'm trying again..
MissFable: Baldur's Gate and Long Live the Queen are not part of this years line up. Sadly i do not have any keys of Children of the Nile but we still have the 3rd round to go so you might still be able to get it.
Thank you very much for your reply. I'll keep looking for it. 5.20am here, and I have my first mug of coffee to hand, watching the very slow progress of Medal of Honour and Tetrobot.
Clearly the caffeine has worn off, those were on when I got up some time ago.
The_Blog: What will finish first is the question now ^^
i keep clicking refresh like we had to on the last ones, keep forgetting it's fancy now
budejovice: G'night all! Until tomorrow...
Have a great night budejovice!
Thanks again. ;)
The_Blog: What will finish first is the question now ^^
Ominousrobot: i keep clicking refresh like we had to on the last ones, keep forgetting it's fancy now
Yeah I do that too ^^
Although it already refreshed in the last Insomnia Sale. but it was pretty buggy and suddenly stoppen updateing. So you kept F5ing anyway.
Was Nox already here?