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nuketakuler: Is there anyone else having checkout problems with it going to a blank gog page?
gog checkout is probably suffering from an excess of fiscal lube
Tarnicus: Then end of these sales are quite anti-climactic. People kinda fizzle off and finally get some rest, and then copious amounts of giveaways occur with much merriment, celebration and Vitamin B overdoses for brain function recovery :)

Edit: climactic not climatic, although I'm sure it affects the weather somehow ;P
lz8: *ears perk up* Giveaways with merriment?! Cool! Kind of like "hair of the dog" or maybe that's "hair of the gog..." :)
haha hair of the gog, I love it! I think the only game that might be on my possible want list is Sudeki. I still haven't looked at the full list of what has gone before as I stumbled upon this sale during a medical emergency :)
nuketakuler: Is there anyone else having checkout problems with it going to a blank gog page?
Does it look like the last screenshot here? If yes, happened a few times at random moments, and fixed itself also completely randomly.
Crewdroog: i'm gonna wait for drox to go away and i'm hitting the hay too. good night!
stg83: Are you gonna be taking a leap of faith Assassin's Creed style then? ;)
lol yes. i typically get into bed by climbing the post, perching there and looking out over my blankets. Then I leap. i get the eagle screech and everything.

edit: hahaha that video :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Crewdroog
pengchi87: Although my cyber wallet will weight a lot less after this promo, I'm happy to have snatched some of my old favorites, with a lot of new games that I've been watching for some time, and also complete new discoveries that I never planned to buy! It has been very enjoyable, waiting for new games to show up with slashed prices, talking to others in the gaming community, which has been a heartwarming and refreshing detour I took from all the busy working life :-).

It's my first time actively posting on the GOG forums, especially during a big sale time. I wonder why I never did that before. It has been truly memorable nights.
That makes me happy to hear. I remember feeling the same after my first Insomnia Sale. I picked many titles I never heard before or that I never really planned on getting. But even better than the games were the dialogues in the thread. People gifting each other games and people were very friendly for the most part. I remember asking someone if he could snatch me a copy of flatout 2 if I would be offline if it happens to come up on sale. He not only did that but he also grabbed a copy of a game he knew I was looking after too. I kinda repayed myself by looking out for Spacequest for him.
After the first sale I had experienced a community that I have never seen before in this way. Basicly nobody was flaming. Everybdoy was nice, creative, joking and going with the theme of the sale. People helped each other out and besides one or two people nobody was begging. The Insomnia Sales are always an event. A mixture between revealing the next game in the rotation. Hopefully getting freebies, grabbing some games you know or maybe even never planned to buy and the gifting and talking in the threads. I really like it although I am always very exhausted afterwards. I hope there will be even more Insomnia Sales in the future. :)

Damn this wall of text ended up longer than I expected...

tl;dr: Insomnia Sales are the work of Satan...
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
Looks like my hopes of making it to Sam & Max Hit the Road won't come to fruition. Darn needing to get up early for work.
stg83: Are you gonna be taking a leap of faith Assassin's Creed style then? ;)
Crewdroog: lol yes. i typically get into bed by climbing the post, perching there and looking out over my blankets. Then I leap. i get the eagle screech and everything.
This reminds me of how my ex-roommate would run into my room in the mornings, jump up on the end of my bed while I was sleeping, then flap his arms like a bird and start yelling "CA-CAW! CA-CAW! CA-CAW!" until I woke up. It was a douchey thing to do, but it was also hilarious.
Tarnicus: I'm going to be that guy, since I didn't follow this thread until yesterday...where's the list? :P
Shendue: On a completely unrelated topic, how's your eye thing going? Is it better now?
Yes it has improved dramtically (finally). I'll get a photo taken once I wake up a bit and post an update in the Eye thread. I was a bit silly to get caught up in this sale and not get to sleep til very late. The combination of Australia scoring the highest score in Worldd Cup Cricket (the match didn't finish til after midnight my time) and then prednisone revving me up and this sale meant I crashed at about 9am and just woke up before 3pm.

HypersomniacLive: Sorry, I'm tired and sleepless (not in Seattle) - what list?
The list of All Things; that which has come to pass and that which shall be (the Insomnia sale game list)
pengchi87: Although my cyber wallet will weight a lot less after this promo, I'm happy to have snatched some of my old favorites, with a lot of new games that I've been watching for some time, and also complete new discoveries that I never planned to buy! It has been very enjoyable, waiting for new games to show up with slashed prices, talking to others in the gaming community, which has been a heartwarming and refreshing detour I took from all the busy working life :-).

It's my first time actively posting on the GOG forums, especially during a big sale time. I wonder why I never did that before. It has been truly memorable nights.
The_Blog: That makes me happy to hear. I remember feeling the same after my first Insomnia Sale. I picked many titles I never heard before or that I never really planned on getting. But even better than the games were the dialogues in the thread. People gifting each other games and people were very friendly for the most part. I remember asking someone if he could snatch me a copy of flatout 2 if I would be offline if it happens to come up on sale. He not only did that but he also grabbed a copy of a game he knew I was looking after too. I kinda repayed myself by looking out for Spacequest for him.
After the first sale I had experienced a community that I have never seen before in this way. Basicly nobody was flaming. Everybdoy was nice, creative, joking and going with the theme of the sale. People helped each other out and besides one or two people nobody was begging. The Insomnia Sales are always an event. A mixture between revealing the next game in the rotation. Hopefully getting freebies, grabbing some games you know or maybe even never planned to buy and the gifting and talking in the threads. I really like it although I am always very exhausted afterwards. I hope there will be even more Insomnia Sales in the future. :)

Damn this wall of text ended up longer than I expected...

tl;dr: Insomnia Sales are the work of Satan...
Yeah, what the hell. You can say all the nice things you want, but you need to be concise about it! ;) -laughs-
jakob187: This reminds me of how my ex-roommate would run into my room in the mornings, jump up on the end of my bed while I was sleeping, then flap his arms like a bird and start yelling "CA-CAW! CA-CAW! CA-CAW!" until I woke up. It was a douchey thing to do, but it was also hilarious.
Hehe....So he was your human rooster alarm, we used have an alarm clock with the rooster sound back when I first started going to school as a kid and I really hated it with a passion. :)
high rated
IanM: and I thought the checkout was broken for that one just because it was popular, but it you who took all the copies :p
Checkout page was broken? Worked beautiful both times for me, I even got that "Critical strike! Grab the loot." message and all. ;-P

Guilty your honour, but only for one copy in each round. ;-D
pengchi87: Oh come on! I'm fighting the sandman trying to close my eyelids every second but still no Dragonfall!!

I've only slept about 10 hrs total last 3 days monitoring what games come and go by... and some games still managed to bypass my ceaseless watch! Well, I actually fell asleep from time to time holding the smartphone in bed :-) So technically, games had a lot of holes to fall through.

Although my cyber wallet will weight a lot less after this promo, I'm happy to have snatched some of my old favorites, with a lot of new games that I've been watching for some time, and also complete new discoveries that I never planned to buy! It has been very enjoyable, waiting for new games to show up with slashed prices, talking to others in the gaming community, which has been a heartwarming and refreshing detour I took from all the busy working life :-).

It's my first time actively posting on the GOG forums, especially during a big sale time. I wonder why I never did that before. It has been truly memorable nights.

Really gotta take the sleep now, work starts in 6 hrs. Everyone have good luck swinging your weapons of choice getting critical hits! And may you grab your favorite games! I hope, at least Dragonfall doesn't pass by during the 2~3 hours of sleep I'm going to take :-).
Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself and welcome to the community :) Insomnia sales are the way we invite you in, lock the door and throw away the key. You cannot escape now, All Your Base Are Belong to Us!
HypersomniacLive: Checkout page was broken? Worked beautiful both times for me, I even got that "Critical strike! Grab the loot." message and all. ;-P
Heeey, great! Congrats on the crit! I've not gotten one during this sale, but I did get one during the last insomnia promo~! :D

Looks like IAmSinistar might have gone to bed though.
Thank you :) This is seriously my last sale until I get some much needed tasks completed in life. I love these sales, game-hoarding, gifting and especially these threads during Insomnia sale, but I must stop and get a bit of saving and work done...after this one. Perfect addict behaviour, just one more hit... :P
lz8: OK that's it. I'm callin' it quits. Good night, all.
Rest well :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Tarnicus
So... why is it 22 more games until LoG 2 can possibly show up? Please explain to a fellow sleep deprivant.