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lz8: If we're only about 23 away from the end, that brings up the question: Has anyone on the thread "been there" when the sale comes to a precise end? What happens? Does the GoGbear come out and thank everyone for participating, or what?
goplanet: They start the Spring sale.
23 away from the end of the 2nd round of fresh games. seasoned games are about 5 out 77 games into the 3rd round and the Fresh games have yet to enter the 3rd round at all.
Crewdroog: *taps foot, arms crossed* now you are just trying my patience. :)
ok ok, 15 is better than 16 which is much better than 84 :)
GhostwriterDoF: Sleep well... you earned it.
HypersomniacLive: No idea why I earned it, but it went somewhere else tonight.
Yeah, I noticed you popped back on,

but you had been active in the threads, and up for a long time, so to me, you earned some restful rest. :)
IAmSinistar: One Shadowgate gifting key secured. Can anyone remember who all was looking for it?
trentonlf: Yogsloth
I have a key too
+1 Billion Karma points for saving my biscuits. I knew it would come and go while I was away.

Thanks to trentonlf for his thoughtfulness and kindness once again!!!!!
Ixamyakxim: But it leans more toward Action RPG / Diablo, but with a spaceship
CalicoPup: Now that sounds fascinating. I now look forward to playing it.

No problem! If you're like me and are a fan of mass amounts of loot you'll be more than happy. I was swimming in gear, equipment slots and loot galore during my short time with the demo about a year back or so.

The controls are a bit rough, but I'm hoping it's something that gets easier to target, move and shoot as you go along in the game.
goplanet: They start the Spring sale.
MissFable: 23 away from the end of the 2nd round of fresh games. seasoned games are about 5 out 77 games into the 3rd round and the Fresh games have yet to enter the 3rd round at all.
Thanks for clarifying. Coffee ... not ... working .....
Whew! I got my Drox fix. I was away for a few hours, I was sure I was going to miss it!
Crewdroog: *taps foot, arms crossed* now you are just trying my patience. :)
trentonlf: ok ok, 15 is better than 16 which is much better than 84 :)
does hypersomniaclive still have the muzzle and restraints? or maybe i'll find my tazer *digs in crate o'crap*

omg 11th hour, just go away already!
jakob187: Really? It's just going to sit at 11 copies?

This thing might actually last until 11pm my time! LOL

Oh, the irony!
Haha, the 11th hour is going to pass on my clock before it passes on this site. XD
only 5 left, so clooooose
Ominousrobot: only 5 left, so clooooose
And it was a pretty big hit when it first came out, wasn't it? Or maybe that was just the amount of marketing I saw.
People were going nuts earlier about Drox going on sale, and this thing is still lingering. = (
high rated
GhostwriterDoF: Yeah, I noticed you popped back on,

but you had been active in the threads, and up for a long time, so to me, you earned some restful rest. :)
Could you please go tell that to Morpheus? He's stubbornly refusing to grace me with his presence, and day light is only an hour away...
Ominousrobot: only 5 left, so clooooose
lz8: And it was a pretty big hit when it first came out, wasn't it? Or maybe that was just the amount of marketing I saw.
In another age when FMV was the new hotness and games came on 6 CDs
Maybe people are confusing this with taking the last cookie from the plate on the table. TAKE IT! It NEEDS to be taken!