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Crewdroog: Oh god dammit gog. Let me go find my wallet...
Hey, Crew! There you are! Did you get Deponia for $0.49? I saw that it was on your Steam wishlist...
blotunga: I refuse.. if it were AC2 i might think about it... but AC even for $5 is outrageous for me.
AC 2 would be amazing. But the first Assassin's Creed just isn't a very good game. I finished it once for the story, and will never touch it again.
Hmm... I just noticed something - why does the assassin look like he's pregnant?

Question to all - are you also asked to confirm your location in that footnote at the checkout page?

EDIT: corrected term after Crow pointed out the error, cheers.
Post edited March 02, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
On the bright side, there's a great Twitch right now - Amnesia. Looks like the streamer is doing that game the same way I did - lights out in the dark with only the glow of the monitor... volume cranked up.
Oh and a movie
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Niggles
opticq: A movie? Oh god it's never gonna end.
toxicTom: It's to force people to buy AC out of desperation...
I thought the same thing...
ink (introducing New Keane).
Post edited March 02, 2015 by stg83
Actually Ink might still catch up to AC. That's unexpected.
Movie's oddly... moving.
New bug for me for a while though, prices don't show up unless I refresh, just get percentages when a new one pops up.
HypersomniacLive: Hmm... I just noticed something - why does the assassin look like he's pregnant?

Question to all - are you also asked to confirm your location in that foot message at the checkout page?
For some reason, my brain initially processed that as foot massage, and I had absolutely no idea what in the world you were talking about.
LaronX: There was Desktop Dungeon before Ink. I didn't catch the number of games.
Yes. Sinister, if you are reading this, you kind of left out Destop dungeons before Ink.
CalicoPup: To be fair, Ink is actually a really awesome movie. Sort-of a modern fairy tale, if you prefer.

I watched it when it was available on Netflix. It reminded me very much of something you might get out of Neil Gaiman.
FearfulSymmetry: You're doing a pretty good job selling this to me, but I'm not quite convinced yet. :P
It was done on a shoestring budget, so don't expect any giant blockbuster effects, but they used what they had very effectively. The set design in some of the areas looks like it was dreamed up by the same people who did the show Neverwhere. It has a very similar feel to it, but more upbeat than gloomy.
HypersomniacLive: Question to all - are you also asked to confirm your location in that foot message at the checkout page?
Yep. Or more specifically it says that I confirm agreeing to the terms and confirming that I'm in Romania. Can imagine why. On the other hand, there's no way to say "nope, your geolocation is wrong" in case it somehow is.
genkicolleen: As much as I enjoy the insomnia sales, I'd much rather be sleeping right now. I simply can't, since I need to be available for the kids :p
toxicTom: Same here. A few minutes and I need to go to bed. One wife, two kids, one boss and a cat... Can't ignore them all
Copy that (without the kids) - i would fight with all of them despite the cat - he ever wins
Cavalary: New bug for me for a while though, prices don't show up unless I refresh, just get percentages when a new one pops up.
It's been like this for me all the time.