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CalicoPup: Okay, I know I said earlier that I was done, but I just nabbed The Drox Operative via Critical Hit.

What the heck did I win?
LOL bastard I was hoping for one of those ;) Enjoy it! And you won Drox Operative - or were you joking about asking what you won?
IanM: The sale planners are too informed and adept at this now, it's always slow overnight (overnight from the European perspective.) The sale doesn't ever stall like the first one did, but no fast activity at unpredictable times either. It's a bit sad in a way, it's too easy too predict the best time to sleep.
goplanet: But I was promised a "non-stop bonanza"!
Compared to the twin timer torture sales, with their "flash" sales that moved like my dead greatgrandmother?
This is a thrill a minute.
Terpor: I missed ShadowGate :( well i'm willing to trade it to Deus-Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut (Steam) and Black Mirror 2 (GOG) games :)
A bunch of people bought backup keys knowing people would want them, you may have a chance.
Crewdroog: *sniffs monitor* mmm, I can smell them from here! I'm coming over! ;)
goplanet: Uh-oh. GOG's beta-testing the smell feature already?
yup :)
Finally getting a chance to check the tracker bot, I saw that, right after I bought Darkstone before going back to work after my break... Gex went up. Phooey.

Well... Third time'so the charm. It was for Arcanum, anyway.

Also, not sure if this got mentioned when I offered it a couple hours ago, but my spare Torchlight key went to Mister-Gosh. Congrats!
high rated
Process a tax return, check Insomnia, process a tax return, check Insomnia.

Hey, it worked... nabbed Drox...
goplanet: But I was promised a "non-stop bonanza"!
Oh, the bonanza? That's this thread! The type of sale has nothing to do with it. I prefer flash sales, myself.
CalicoPup: Okay, I know I said earlier that I was done, but I just nabbed The Drox Operative via Critical Hit.

What the heck did I win?
Ixamyakxim: LOL bastard I was hoping for one of those ;) Enjoy it! And you won Drox Operative - or were you joking about asking what you won?
I know I won Drox Operative, I was wondering what it was.

Looks like a more open world version of Star Control 2 or that type of game. Giant galaxy to explore, dozens of races, all that.
Gameslinger: Finally getting a chance to check the tracker bot, I saw that, right after I bought Darkstone before going back to work after my break... Gex went up. Phooey.

Well... Third time'so the charm. It was for Arcanum, anyway.

Also, not sure if this got mentioned when I offered it a couple hours ago, but my spare Torchlight key went to Mister-Gosh. Congrats!
Thanks a lot again!
budejovice: Process a tax return, check Insomnia, process a tax return, check Insomnia.

Hey, it worked... nabbed Drox...
Am I going to get in trouble for declaring pets as dependents?
ok, I'm oof before the nosebleed starts, lol
Cya tomorrow, all. All and especially you, Dragonfall.
justanoldgamer: Crap, I had a fixed list of the games I still wanted to buy in this promo:

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 20th Anniversary Edition
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure

And then this game, Shadowgate , that I have never heard of comes on so I check the video and bang I'm $5.99 poorer.
I justified it by telling myself that I might miss some of the games on my list or change my mind about Tesla Effect, or get a critical maybe.

Stupid promo.
I can sympathize with this. While waiting for the two games still on my wait list, I've also picked up Shadowgate and (much earlier) Halfway, purely as impulse purchases. I don't think I'll regret it, though - they both sound great.

(You shouldn't change your mind about Tesla Effect, BTW. It's fantastic. I waited for years for a new Tex Murphy, and I think they knocked it out of the ballpark. Keeps all the B-grade sci-fi movie style of the originals, with all the conveniences of a modern game. ^_^)
budejovice: Process a tax return, check Insomnia, process a tax return, check Insomnia.

Hey, it worked... nabbed Drox...
Ixamyakxim: Am I going to get in trouble for declaring pets as dependents?
That's just a fact of life, isn't it? They depend on you to feed them, give them water ... everything!
CalicoPup: Giant galaxy to explore, dozens of races, all that.
Yes it has that, along with diplomacy and such. But it leans more toward Action RPG / Diablo, but with a spaceship than it does Star Control.
Will the real Shadowrun Dragonfall please stand up? We`re gonna have a problem here!