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I've manged to prepare and bake a batch of muffins in the time it's taken for the 11th hour to drop from 100 to 42
Mister-Gosh: Ok, tomorrow there's a special day at the Kindergarten and if I bring my daughter late in a few hours she's going to be mad at me.. and it's already 3:50 here.

So the question is, can someone be on the lookout for Dragonfall for me? I'll make it up to them, financially or with another game. I slept 3 hours past nights, so tomorrow I might just need a gigantic nap... and miss it.
I'll wait to see what's after shadowgate and be off.
An angry female is bad but an angry 5 year old female , may god have mercy on your soul.
From the father of four girls.
MissFable: I've manged to prepare and bake a batch of muffins in the time it's taken for the 11th hour to drop from 100 to 42
MUFFINS!!! What flavor?
pablodusk: When exactly will insomnia wrap up? I mean the promo, my sleeplessness is another story...
When all the games and movies offered for sale have cycled through three times, that is when Insomnia will end, however long it takes.
Crewdroog: i wish it was possible to read the old reviews that were posted. i read through them last insomnia sale. they were amazing.
Lemon_Curry: Here's one of the best (as quoted by another user):

I should preface this by saying that I've been having a lot of trouble with my son. Recently, he's discovered the wide world of the internet as well as computer gaming, and he hasn't been listening to his mother or myself at all.
Jack Keane, your Fire Within has cleansed my son of all desire to turn on a computer from this day forth! He cleaned his room, did the dishes, and wept as he said his prayers. When I asked what brought about the change, he screamed through the raining tears, "JACK KEANE! JACK KEANE!"
Bless you, Jack Keane...
Lemon_Curry: Source:
wow, thank you so much for this :)
MissFable: I've manged to prepare and bake a batch of muffins in the time it's taken for the 11th hour to drop from 100 to 42
trentonlf: MUFFINS!!! What flavor?
Dark chocolate with chocolate chips.
pablodusk: When exactly will insomnia wrap up? I mean the promo, my sleeplessness is another story...
CarrionCrow: When all the games and movies offered for sale have cycled through three times, that is when Insomnia will end, however long it takes.
But wait ... It's *Double* Insomnia! Maybe that'll just be the end of the first round! Muahahahahaha ....
CarrionCrow: When all the games and movies offered for sale have cycled through three times, that is when Insomnia will end, however long it takes.
Gracias! I'm glad everything will get a fair shake.
The wife was kind enough to watch and play with the kids for an ~hour so I can hole up and spend some quality time with Insomnia and all I see for that time is 11th hour and Shadowgate and none of the furious activity of earlier. Had hoped to see at least a handful of games cycle thru but its bathtime and then storytime before bedtime so better luck next time.
MissFable: Dark chocolate with chocolate chips.
Aww, I was hoping for banana nut :(
MissFable: Dark chocolate with chocolate chips.
Double chocolate for the Double Insomnia sale~! *bouncy* :D
trentonlf: MUFFINS!!! What flavor?
MissFable: Dark chocolate with chocolate chips.
That sounds extremely good, are you sure it's legal?
MissFable: I've manged to prepare and bake a batch of muffins in the time it's taken for the 11th hour to drop from 100 to 42
*sniffs monitor* mmm, I can smell them from here! I'm coming over! ;)
trentonlf: MUFFINS!!! What flavor?
MissFable: Dark chocolate with chocolate chips.
That sounds you've got me craving chocolate. >.<
CarrionCrow: When all the games and movies offered for sale have cycled through three times, that is when Insomnia will end, however long it takes.
lz8: But wait ... It's *Double* Insomnia! Maybe that'll just be the end of the first round! Muahahahahaha ....
I don't think the site itself could handle 6 rounds of Insomnia. The poor thing's been messed up since the sale started.