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gigafood1: Has Grimrock 2 Appeared in Round 2 yet?
CarrionCrow: According to Sinistar's super useful Has Your Game Been Through Round 2 Yet? List, which you can find here, it has.
Only one more shot at it left, and no idea when it's coming.
Ah fuck... Well... I've got finals tomorrow, so chances are ill be paying full price...
gigafood1: Has Grimrock 2 Appeared in Round 2 yet?
CarrionCrow: According to Sinistar's super useful Has Your Game Been Through Round 2 Yet? List, which you can find here, it has.
Only one more shot at it left, and no idea when it's coming.
If the last two cycles are any indication, LoG 2 will come up around 2:00am - 3:00am CST (which is when it hit for my time zone). I'm hoping they get it out earlier than that.
I think it is time for me to bow out as well. Only item left that I would be interested that is in the sale is Consortium, but that one is not amongst the remaining Round 2 Fresh games.

With that, nighty-night!
Has Vangers come up for a 3rd time? lost track of the list, and it's the only one I'm really waiting for!
edit: nevermind!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by wallpaper
CarrionCrow: According to Sinistar's super useful Has Your Game Been Through Round 2 Yet? List, which you can find here, it has.
Only one more shot at it left, and no idea when it's coming.
jakob187: If the last two cycles are any indication, LoG 2 will come up around 2:00am - 3:00am CST (which is when it hit for my time zone). I'm hoping they get it out earlier than that.
Oof... 3-4 am here... normally I would totally go for that, but I have finals as I've said...
CarrionCrow: Jack Keane 2 took over 5 hours to sell 100 copies. It went at a pace that was absolutely glacial, and did its best to drive everyone watching completely out of their minds.
GhostwriterDoF: I thought it took longer than that... hmm, well then, a game has to last at least 5 hours to get the
infamous Keane status then. :)
It was longer than that - first round Keane took about 7 1/2 hours. For later rounds the GOG staff cut the number of copies, so latecomers didn't get the full Keaning experience. ^_^

Keane will always be the first and greatest!
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
Geralt_of_Rivia: About 7-8 hours, IIRC. I was there for the Keaning.
We should get a "I survived the Keaning" badge for it or something like that.
jackster79: I think another was Retro City Rampage (though I dunno why - I thought that one was a quirky little one).
Shendue: It was too expensive and the reviews were decent, but not overly hyped.
Doesn't help RCR was in a humble bundle fairly recently before it.
the_voivod: I'm still here! And I got a copy, huzzah! Thanks for looking out for me, though. Also, this means I'll actually be able to have a full night's sleep now, since I don't want any more games. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED.
Awesome! Very glad to see your reply! Have a very restful night, but don't be a stranger just because you got all the games you were hunting for! ^_^
Shadowgate looks very tempting. Does it compare to the original NES version?
the_voivod: I'm still here! And I got a copy, huzzah! Thanks for looking out for me, though. Also, this means I'll actually be able to have a full night's sleep now, since I don't want any more games. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED.
Oo, good deal! We had you covered, but even better that you could finish the quest yourself.

Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
Shendue: Funny thing is that even the authors of the game aknowledged the thing and showed up thanking everyone for the appreciation of their efforts to give us some hours of sleep thanks to their game or something like that.
Yeah, that was cool. Here's the post by the Nordic PR guy:
GhostwriterDoF: I thought it took longer than that... hmm, well then, a game has to last at least 5 hours to get the
infamous Keane status then. :)
zlep: It was longer than that - first round Keane took about 7 1/2 hours. For later rounds the GOG staff cut the number of copies, so latecomers didn't get the full Keaning experience. ^_^

Keane will always be the first and greatest!
-laughs- I wish GOG would put out the actual numbers so we could all get the story grounded in uniform reality again.
It sucked so much that everyone's time perception went to shit due to the whole going insane thing.
GhostwriterDoF: I thought it took longer than that... hmm, well then, a game has to last at least 5 hours to get the
infamous Keane status then. :)
zlep: It was longer than that - first round Keane took about 7 1/2 hours. For later rounds the GOG staff cut the number of copies, so latecomers didn't get the full Keaning experience. ^_^

Keane will always be the first and greatest!
Yes, that is how I remember it, as I got back online during the immediate aftermath of the incident,
but not being there, can't be sure. It was fun seeing the youtube videos and reading the reviews too. heh!

CarrionCrow: To me, it's not about the straight amount of time as the number of units pushed during that time.

It took 5 hours for Jack Keane 2 at 100 units. That's 20 units an hour. For some other game to compete with that, they'd have to be doing 20 units (or gods help everyone waiting, even less) an hour.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by GhostwriterDoF