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Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
Shendue: It wasn't just Keane. I remember other things going on for several hours like The Book of Unwritten Tales.
Courtesy of VideoGrames:
gigafood1: Wait is fresh still in round 2?
bler144: Yes, roughly 25 items still to go for Fresh Round 2
Then I will hope AI War does not show up until I wake up.
Has Grimrock 2 Appeared in Round 2 yet?
high rated
Pardinuz: Good morning GOG! :) Looks like I missed Nox and Good and Evil again. >_<
You didn't miss Nox. At least you won't miss it unless you refuse to check your PMs. :)
IanM: anyone crunched the numbers on which games sold at the fastest rate?
bler144: I started to...
... I tried to pull the logs again today and got a buffer overrun error or somesuch.
Thanks, it'll probably be more interesting anyway at the end of the sale - to see which games were surprisingly popular and which weren't.
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
CarrionCrow: Jack Keane 2 took over 5 hours to sell 100 copies. It went at a pace that was absolutely glacial, and did its best to drive everyone watching completely out of their minds.
I thought it took longer than that... hmm, well then, a game has to last at least 5 hours to get the
infamous Keane status then. :)
kimyeongtae: I'm soooo tempted to get Shadowgate.....but I'm really trying to wait for Legend of Grimrock 2 and X-Wing.... don't want to spend too much money...... ah....
Heads up - the X-Wing Special Edition doesn't have the 1994 version, which is the superior version. If you are looking for that out of it, then I'd save for something else. If you don't care and have no issue with the 1993/1998 versions, then you're all good.
gigafood1: Has Grimrock 2 Appeared in Round 2 yet?
According to Sinistar's super useful Has Your Game Been Through Round 2 Yet? List, which you can find here, it has.
Only one more shot at it left, and no idea when it's coming.
X-Wing Alliance the best one to get if you only get one?
IAmSinistar: One Shadowgate gifting key secured. Can anyone remember who all was looking for it?
I remember Klumpen 08/15 wanted that game
You know what passes the time really well? Trying to get a pair of Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan on D3.

GhostwriterDoF: Technically, a game can't get Keane status until after 8 hours of waiting....
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
Funny thing is that even the authors of the game aknowledged the thing and showed up thanking everyone for the appreciation of their efforts to give us some hours of sleep thanks to their game or something like that.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Shendue
With my luck, The Gamers: Dorkness Rising, Shadowrun Dragonfall, and Cognition will show up at the end.
GhostwriterDoF: Technically, a game can't get Keane status until after 8 hours of waiting....
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
About 7-8 hours, IIRC. I was there for the Keaning.
CarrionCrow: Jack Keane 2 took over 5 hours to sell 100 copies. It went at a pace that was absolutely glacial, and did its best to drive everyone watching completely out of their minds.
GhostwriterDoF: I thought it took longer than that... hmm, well then, a game has to last at least 5 hours to get the
infamous Keane status then. :)
To me, it's not about the straight amount of time as the number of units pushed during that time.

It took 5 hours for Jack Keane 2 at 100 units. That's 20 units an hour. For some other game to compete with that, they'd have to be doing 20 units (or gods help everyone waiting, even less) an hour.