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I wish it was standard Shadowgate with that % discout.
Oh, well.
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
CarrionCrow: Jack Keane 2 took over 5 hours to sell 100 copies. It went at a pace that was absolutely glacial, and did its best to drive everyone watching completely out of their minds.
i wish it was possible to read the old reviews that were posted. i read through them last insomnia sale. they were amazing.
IAmSinistar: One Shadowgate gifting key secured. Can anyone remember who all was looking for it?
Zeyes: Klumpen0815 was:
Cheers! I'll cover the vorpal bunny and Super Husky can get the stickman. I better grab another gift key in that case.
miwi: I wish it was standard Shadowgate with that % discout.
Oh, well.
Is not the standard Shadowgate game also included? I thought it was... <goes off to check>

Edit - no, does not look like it. I apparently mistook the fact that you can customize the re-make to pretty much wear the skin, UI, cinematics, sound etc. of the original, but it is not the original. :-(
Post edited March 05, 2015 by jackster79
Time to go to sleep :)
Good night everybody ! Hope you'll grab the games you want ! :D
Mister-Gosh: What?? How long did the Keane situation last?
jackster79: It lasted a good bit, but was not the longest-lasting in that sale. There were a couple of even slower-movers, but Keane was first (well, at least the first one that got noticed as such).
If anything, they were good for sleeping. I remember setting my alarm to wake up after 4 hours, oversleeping and waking up 7 hours later to find out i barely missed a single game.
gigafood1: Wait is fresh still in round 2?
Yes, roughly 25 items still to go for Fresh Round 2
The bell has tolled the eleventh hour and Nexus has not come.
Anyone know if the_voivod is still around? This was the game they were really waiting for, prior to amping everyone up for Nox.
3:20 A.M. only 2,5 hrs to sleep till work - haven't slept much the last 2 nights and now my eyes are closing even if I don't want them to. Everything is keaning and the bottom line is I HAVE to go to bed and there is no way that I can wait until "Vangers" or "Return to the Mysterious Island" reappear here for the last time. Maybe somebody can grab a copy of those games in case they ppear while I am sleeping or working - that would really be great.

Good night everybody - until tomorrow evening.
jackster79: I think another was Retro City Rampage (though I dunno why - I thought that one was a quirky little one).
It was too expensive and the reviews were decent, but not overly hyped.
Tekkaman-James: Anyone know if the_voivod is still around? This was the game they were really waiting for, prior to amping everyone up for Nox.
Doubtful at this hour. I grabbed a second key though so I can rescue some else down the line.
Splatsch: Time to go to sleep :)
Good night everybody ! Hope you'll grab the games you want ! :D
Good night birdy!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by IAmSinistar
I'm soooo tempted to get Shadowgate.....but I'm really trying to wait for Legend of Grimrock 2 and X-Wing.... don't want to spend too much money...... ah....
If I can't get LoG 2 out of all this, I might cry, guys. I might seriously cry.

miwi: I wish it was standard Shadowgate with that % discout.
Oh, well.
jackster79: Is not the standard Shadowgate game also included? I thought it was... <goes off to check>
If by standard, you mean the original version from way back when, then sadly no.

The company who made those games has repackaged them into a bundle that hopefully will be available on GOG in the near future.