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Anybody have a copy of never-ending nightmare to spare?
Sachys: ...and for anybody complaining about how long its taking for a game to go around...

I would buy JK2 at that price in a second.
Damn, AVGN, where the hell is dragonfall, I need to sleep!
Repeat Fresh Sale: Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie(-50%) [100]

Another Movie *sigh*
A movie? Really? You ain`t serious!
Sachys: ...and for anybody complaining about how long its taking for a game to go around...

Please tell me you photoshoped a few extra 0's into that... at least one...

j0ekerr: NEVER FORGET!
Makes much more sense.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ArtisticMinstrel
Arcanum is moving along at a snail's pace.
Night night all.
high rated
LynetteC: Stop trying to avoid random gifts and update your shelf. :-)

Have you added much to your collection this sale?

Nope, GOG's timing with this Insomnia sucks big time for me; I can't partake in the gifting frenzy the way I'd like to.

trentonlf: I broke him, he doesn't like to update his list or ask about games because I might send him something :-P
*checks if note is still pinned on PC monitor, sighs in relief that it is*

Sachys: Why do you think I dont have a wishlist in the wiki, you wiki watching weirdo!
And he's not the only one, guilty of that myself.
Jacob_1994: Anybody have a copy of never-ending nightmare to spare?
this is not the thread to do this in.
ElTerprise: Repeat Fresh Sale: Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie(-50%) [100]

Another Movie *sigh*
I wish they would have separate sales for movies and games :/
high rated
Whew! Was bookmarking some 1040 workpaper .pdfs and thankfully didn't miss AVGN. Now... LoG2...

EDIT: You guys that are afraid of movies are so cute! :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by budejovice
Sachys: ...and for anybody complaining about how long its taking for a game to go around...

ArtisticMinstrel: Please tell me you photoshoped a few extra 0's into that... at least one...
nope. actual screenshot.
gamingrn: I'm surprised Arcanum is already stalling. I guess most people already have it? If you don't and you like RPGs it's one you really ought to try. Despite its flaws, Arcanum is one of the few RPGs I've played that gives you the ability to role-play past the vast majority of obstacles with means other than battle and allows you to make several decisions or take actions that impact the game's outcome. All that against the steampunk backdrop leads to quite the unique experience.
The checkout page won't load for me at all, so I imagine other people wanting to buy Arcanum are having this issue too.