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CarrionCrow: Damn it, Assassin's Creed, you're gumming up the works! Hurry the hell up!
foxworks: That one time when it went down, yeah that was me. You can thank me later ;-)
-laughs- I thought for a second about buying it, but I already have it on console and I'm not that much of a fan of the series, so I'll save the coin for something else.
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Desktop Dungeon (-67%) [200]
IAmSinistar: Weird, the front page stopped updating for me. I did a full refresh after you posted this and the game shows now. But I'm getting the same message as other folks about the deal being over. I think we hit a genuine system glitch this time.
I had the message, bit I was still able to purchase it. I figure it was a glitch because I'm on my phone.
Grargar: New Fresh deal: Desktop Dungeon (-67%) [200]
IAmSinistar: Weird, the front page stopped updating for me. I did a full refresh after you posted this and the game shows now. But I'm getting the same message as other folks about the deal being over. I think we hit a genuine system glitch this time.
Oh phew I came in here to ask what game everyone was seeing because I was stuck on Desktop Dungeons - looks like I'm not alone ;)
Ok so apparently when you click the deal from the main page, you get the "expired" message, but if you reload the checkout page, the message disappears.
Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase.

Uh, thats weird it says its still not sold out.
XYCat: The payment input fields are still there so can you actually buy it despite the "expired" message?
yeah, and the discount is calculated in as well. Pretty bizarre.
XYCat: The payment input fields are still there so can you actually buy it despite the "expired" message?
I think so. And it shows the sale price. So the appearance of the message seems unrelated to the actual checkout.
Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase.

Uh, thats weird it says its still not sold out.
toxicTom: Strange. But some people seem to buy it, as the numbers are decreasing.
I had that earlier and could still buy at the promo price - i think its where a freebie has gogbear'd

Edit: seems im wrong about the gogbear'd freebie considering everybody has it right now
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Sachys
But it seems the price is still correct despite the message?
high rated
EDIT: nevermind
Post edited March 02, 2015 by budejovice
budejovice: LOL. Refreshed a "stuck" attempt at checkout. "Swing and a miss." Guess Desktop Dungeons would have been my first freebie. Oh well...
Same here. That would have been great. Oh well.
Grargar: Nice bug. :P
I miss the old GOG logo :)
Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase.

Uh, thats weird it says its still not sold out.
And do you notice the option to still buy it at the sale price. Definitely a glitch.
Is it wrong to think that this sale/thread is better than actually playing *some* games?
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Tannath
MarkoH01: Did the same and after reading reviews and watching videos I still don't really know what this game is about.
Tannath: It's a top down racing game, like Micro Machines. A lot wackier though. ;)
I read something about great story, RPG elements and weirdness. Does not quite fit with a simple racing game - this confused me.
high rated
budejovice: LOL. Refreshed a "stuck" attempt at checkout. "Swing and a miss." Guess Desktop Dungeons would have been my first freebie. Oh well...
RetiredBard: Same here. That would have been great. Oh well.
Looks like MANY people got the same message.