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Mister-Gosh: Didn't know you guys had dialects per regions (or Länder, if the word is correct)..
Maxvorstadt: Bundesländer. Bavaria is one of the German Bundesländer. It has a few Regions, called Regierungsbezirke. For example there are Oberbayern, Niederbayern and Franken, each of it has it`s own dialect.
I thought people said "Länder" as a shortened word in that case. Never knew this. God I regret giving up on german upon entering university.
EDIT : what does Zwick's me" actually mean?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
Has that "Halfway" space game ever reappeared in the promo?
BTW: Smugglers V is fun little game, just saying... :)
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
MarkoH01: Als gebürtiger Hamburger kann ich versichern, dass das nich einmal Ähnlichkeit mit Plattdütsch hat.
Nur gebürtig oder tatsächlich geborener Hamburger. Bei mir nur gebürtig.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
indy vs smugglers. bets?
CharlesGrey: For something completely different, Indiana Jones wasn't marked as "owned" for me, even though I already bought it. Is that a common bug?
miszczu: Same issue here for Indiana Jones and Red Faction
It looks like the "owned" tags don't work for games purchased during the sale - they've probably cached that part of the database before insomnia started (to reduce the server load) so it only recognizes games you already owned before the week.
Maxvorstadt: Bundesländer. Bavaria is one of the German Bundesländer. It has a few Regions, called Regierungsbezirke. For example there are Oberbayern, Niederbayern and Franken, each of it has it`s own dialect.
Mister-Gosh: I thought people said "Länder" as a shortened word in that case. Never knew this. God I regret giving up on german upon entering university.
EDIT : what does Zwick's me" actually mean?
If the dictionary is correct it`s "pinch me".
Come on Grimrock 2... GOG, why did you make this sale on finals week? the one week I can't stay up all night for a week?
An article about top hats and riots here
Klumpen0815: Betrunkenes Bergvolk halt. :P
apehater: lol der beste deutsche dialekt is sowieso der von hausmeister krause
Nö, der beste Dialekt ist der hier
Maxvorstadt: If the dictionary is correct it`s "pinch me".
Yep its pinch me.
Zeyes: It looks like the "owned" tags don't work for games purchased during the sale - they've probably cached that part of the database before insomnia started (to reduce the server load) so it only recognizes games you already owned before the week.
It showed for me correctly once or twice during the first day, but not since - even for games I bought well before the sale started.
MarkoH01: Als gebürtiger Hamburger kann ich versichern, dass das nich einmal Ähnlichkeit mit Plattdütsch hat.
ElTerprise: Nur gebürtig oder tatsächlich geborener Hamburger. Bei mir nur gebürtig.
Geboren und zu 90% aufgewachsen (mit einer sehr kurzen Zeit in Kiel, was ja auch nicht sooo weit weg ist).
apehater: lol der beste deutsche dialekt is sowieso der von hausmeister krause
MarkoH01: Nö, der beste Dialekt ist der hier
Meine Güte das hab ich ja seit Ewigkeiten nicht gesehen.
ziolkowskim: indy vs smugglers. bets?
HArd call to make But I say indie