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Matruchus: Falsch. Das ist Bayrisch.
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Didn't know you guys had dialects per regions (or Länder, if the word is correct)..
And I'm back, so, what about Nox? :)

Boo, didn't crit Indiana Jones. :( :P
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Trid
Trid: And I'm back, so, what about Nox? :)
Broke the space-time continuum.
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Maxvorstadt: Genauer gesagt österreichisch, eine Abart des Bayrischen.
Sag das nur denn österreichern nicht.
high rated
iscagog: Ah well, I'm out.

Managed to bag:

Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Another World
Grimrock 2
Dead State
Robin Hood

Didn't get Shadowrun Dragonfall this time. Didn't get Nox™ either (but didn't really want it).

Did pre-order Witcher 3 while I was lurking around, so hey, GOG - we both win

Night night all - may all your hits be critical.
A nice haul. Sleep well and enjoy the loot.
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Maxvorstadt: Genauer gesagt österreichisch, eine Abart des Bayrischen.
Betrunkenes Bergvolk halt. :P
Trid: And I'm back, so, what about Nox? :)
Sold out in 3 minutes.
bler144: I'd put it at 16 hours ago - was a bit before LoGII which came up right about 11 PST.

Edit - Yup 16 hours:
xjay73: lol -- I didn't look at the clock. I just knew it was dark, I was awake, I had to pee, and oh-yeah-better-check-insomnia. :-D
The benefit of having a tablet - you don't need to get out of bed to check the sale! lol In fact you can make coffee, take a bathroom break, walk from the car to the office or even buy games at your desk without the boss noticing!
Yep, a tablet is a must-have accessory for a GOG sale!

EDIT I just got thrown back to page 258 out of 284!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by LynetteC
Trid: And I'm back, so, what about Nox? :)
Imagine not being here for the 3 minutes nox was available
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Mister-Gosh: Didn't know you guys had dialects per regions (or Länder, if the word is correct)..
Oh definitly. It is actually pretty significant from time to time.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
Trid: And I'm back, so, what about Nox? :)

Boo, didn't crit Indiana Jones. :( :P
You could nox make it back in time.
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Mister-Gosh: Didn't know you guys had dialects per regions (or Länder, if the word is correct)..
Bundesländer. Bavaria is one of the German Bundesländer. It has a few Regions, called Regierungsbezirke. For example there are Oberbayern, Niederbayern and Franken, each of it has it`s own dialect.
Maxvorstadt: Genauer gesagt österreichisch, eine Abart des Bayrischen.
Klumpen0815: Betrunkenes Bergvolk halt. :P
lol der beste deutsche dialekt is sowieso der von hausmeister krause
Maxvorstadt: Zwick mi, I glaab I draam!
Des derf net woar sei, wo samma dahaam?!?
Oba Zwicken huift mir nix, I steh daneb`n.
Kannt mir vielleicht oana a Watsch`n geb`n?
Danke, jetzt is mir kloar: Es is woar, es is woar!
CharlesGrey: *Laser-Watsch'n*

For something completely different, Indiana Jones wasn't marked as "owned" for me, even though I already bought it. Is that a common bug?
Same issue here for Indiana Jones and Red Faction
bew1977: Imagine not being here for the 3 minutes nox was available
Hah, life can be cruel lol.