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the.kuribo: Well, I find it ironic that an actual cheap flash / android game which was ported to PC (kingdom rush) gets so much more love and praise here than pixeljunk monsters does, and IMO monsters has much higher production values and was developed for a console at a time when cheap cranked out indie games weren't really a thing.

I guess the visuals just don't translate well to marketing the game on pc.

But really, for $1.00 it's a steal for this game and I think if more people gave it a shot they'd be surprised at the depth and design. I'm particularly fond of the music, which is an atmospheric sort of melodic IDM thing going on.
Matruchus: To be fair I did not buy Kingdom Rush too since its an android game. I just don't like the android visual style + controls.

Im waiting for a real tower defense game --> Defense Grid.
Actually it was a flash game originally ;)
MarkoH01: That is not German ;)
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
Falsch. Das ist Bayrisch.
Ok, time to add up the damage so far...

46.26€ / 24 games = 1.93€ per game.

Not too bad, but all the hours awake were only worth it because of this thread.

Nope, not a fan of insomnia sales.

Give me Shadowrun: Dragonfall & I'll go to bed.

If I'm lucky, I'll catch Dreamfall Chapters the next round... if not, I guess I'll have to buy it full price, 'coz me & Raggi - we're like, totally BFFs now, so I totally get to call him Raggi - shared a moment last night* & I promised I'd buy the thing. And I always keep my promises.


*Feel free to spread any rumours you can conjure up from that sentence, as long as you make it really funny.
CharlesGrey: Thanks everyone -- Any idea how long it will take for the third round to start, on the "fresh" side? A few hours still? And are the games in a completely random order, or is there some pattern to it?
Zeyes: So far the Fresh side has loosely followed the original order again (with two exceptions, Signal Ops and Legend of Grimrock repeated very early), but the Seasoned side went pretty wacky towards the end of its second round, so it's hard to tell what will happen.

In any case, we're 49 of 77 games into the Fresh side's second round, and it has already taken 28 hours...considering we're moving into the slowest part of the day now, I think it's safe to say we're going to be in the second round for another 12+ hours, perhaps much more even.
So, we can achieve 4th wave of classic titles?
Maxvorstadt: Zwick mi, I glaab I draam!
Des derf net woar sei, wo samma dahaam?!?
Oba Zwicken huift mir nix, I steh daneb`n.
Kannt mir vielleicht oana a Watsch`n geb`n?
Danke, jetzt is mir kloar: Es is woar, es is woar!
MarkoH01: That is not German ;)
you're right its not, its bavarian or something, but they are living in germany
Matruchus: Critical hit on a game I already own :) Smugglers V.

So its not a fable at all.
Do something great with that Smugglers copy!
Maxvorstadt: Smugglers???
MaGo72: I really like that Dellamorte Dellamore movie.
A Masterpiece.
MarkoH01: That is not German ;)
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
Ziemlich genau das Gegenteil.
ziolkowskim: So, we can achieve 4th wave of classic titles?
I think it's more likely that they'll increase some quantities in the seasoned side's 3rd round to make it last longer (insert joke here). Probably will need to cut the quantities on the fresh side in round 3, too, or we'll be here well into the weekend....
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Zeyes
MarkoH01: That is not German ;)
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
Als gebürtiger Hamburger kann ich versichern, dass das nich einmal Ähnlichkeit mit Plattdütsch hat.
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
MarkoH01: Als gebürtiger Hamburger kann ich versichern, dass das nich einmal Ähnlichkeit mit Plattdütsch hat.
The_Blog: Kein Hochdeutsch. Aber Plattdeutsch würd ich schätzen.
Matruchus: Falsch. Das ist Bayrisch.
Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
Maxvorstadt: Zwick mi, I glaab I draam!
Des derf net woar sei, wo samma dahaam?!?
Oba Zwicken huift mir nix, I steh daneb`n.
Kannt mir vielleicht oana a Watsch`n geb`n?
Danke, jetzt is mir kloar: Es is woar, es is woar!
MarkoH01: That is not German ;)
Its from Wolfgang Ambros Zwickts mi - austria - but bavarian is almost the same
is someone else thinking, that the smugglers are trying to smuggle jack keane?
ziolkowskim: So, we can achieve 4th wave of classic titles?
Zeyes: I think it's more likely that they'll increase some quantities in the seasoned side's 3rd round to make it last longer (insert joke here). Probably will need to cut the quantities on the fresh side in round 3, too, or we'll be here well into the weekend....
That's not sounding likely, they are in for money, not ending on a specific date.
Matruchus: Falsch. Das ist Bayrisch.
The_Blog: Ich kenne mich nicht mit Dialekten aus. Danke für die Korrektur also ^^
Genauer gesagt österreichisch, eine Abart des Bayrischen.