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j0ekerr: Pixeljunk, are you kidding?!

It's not even the shooter one.
It's a really good game though. I think it gets an unfair rap on here because most PC-based tower defense people are so used to mouse or touch controls.
INFERNO.COP: Oh bloody hell, pondered upon Beyond G&E until it was almost over only to find out there wasn't enough dosh on my card. Not like I would've done anything if I found out from the start since it's way too late to hit the bank now, but still. In any case, is this the first time it comes around or the second? Will add some funds in before going to work tomorrow but don't really know if it's scheduled to come around again...

On a side note, somehow jackpoted Shadow Man again. Got mine the first time around,. and a second one an hour or so ago. Anyone care for it?
I think this was the 2nd time. If that's the case, it will come around one more time.
Ugh, Indiana Jones is going to take forever.
Matruchus: Is somebody stocking on Grimrock codes cause now its going very fast.
Crewdroog: i think it's the ol' "omg only 5 left" syndrome for people just logging in. ;)
Eitherway thank god that its gone. It was going on for only 1 hour and 20 minutes. Actually not that long.
Jenkinz: Heading off to bed.
Dozed off and missed Beyond Good & Evil :(
Here's hoping I don't miss Banished too!

Good Night & Good Luck
Good night :)
Banished was already in the second Round. It will reappear in the third.
Vythonaut: Just snatched a copy of mr. Jones! I wasn't quick the first time he showed in the frontpage but this time i was in the right place at the right moment.. Let's see how mr. Jones handles the nazis.. :-)
HypersomniacLive: Get your fists ready and you'll see. Or your wits. Both will do nicely. ;-)
I will my friend, I will... ;-)
Chubz: Ugh, Indiana Jones is going to take forever.
it is going suprisingly well...
For the time being.

Age of Wonders 1:


Edit: It's gone.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
Crewdroog: this has been happening to me since yesterday :( i make guesses in my head on what number I might land on for funz. like this one will put me at 412

edit: whoa, 383, not even close!
HypersomniacLive: It wasn't more than 2-4 pages for me until Indy went live. We're on page 167, I say I'll land on page 153.

EDIT: close, it was page 154.
see, aren't the gog "hiccups" more fun when you make it a game? lol

I guess 397! :) (418 now) *disappears into the thread page warp*

Edit: huh, 383 again. at least it's being consistent?
and good job on the guess! :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Crewdroog
Hey GOG. Going to bed. Pls, postpone Shadowgate at least till morning^^
Guys, what are the odds of Shadowrun Dragonfall coming in the few next games? I really need to sleep but....
Shendue: It would be odd if i couldn't write correctly in my own mother language. ;)
LiefLayer: ho corretto la mia di risposta... XD.
yes, it would be very strange.
Ahahah pensavo dicessi a me. XD
Anyway, i'm waiting for Shadowgate as well (and for other 3 games, actually).
I really REALLY hope i can get some sleep this time, since i've been sleeping, like, a total of 7 hours in the last two days.
INFERNO.COP: Oh bloody hell, pondered upon Beyond G&E until it was almost over only to find out there wasn't enough dosh on my card. Not like I would've done anything if I found out from the start since it's way too late to hit the bank now, but still. In any case, is this the first time it comes around or the second? Will add some funds in before going to work tomorrow but don't really know if it's scheduled to come around again...

On a side note, somehow jackpoted Shadow Man again. Got mine the first time around,. and a second one an hour or so ago. Anyone care for it?
Tannath: I think this was the 2nd time. If that's the case, it will come around one more time.
Yeah Seasoned games just closed round 2. Round 3 started with Indy.
Dgmfresh: Nox will nox escape from my hands again! I will wait... -->
djdarko: I have an extra copy if you missed it? You had me at Lionel Ritchie.
Sure its not Lando Calrissian?
Mister-Gosh: Guys, what are the odds of Shadowrun Dragonfall coming in the few next games? I really need to sleep but....
If i count correctly 1 out of 29.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise