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I'm so backlogged that I almost swore to myself that I wouldn't get anything in this sale, but then Kult: Heretic Kingdoms (I like that title better) came up for 1,39 euros, the equivalent of a not very expensive ice cream. I've been planning to play that game for quite a while (it has Tom Baker, aka Dr Who, narrating it!) and I'm in the mood for that kind of game right now, so I'll probably not throw it on the pile and let it collect dust.

Then another game that I wanted even more, Shadow Man, turned up and I pounced on it, because it was going away quickly. Wow, a critical hit! Shadow Man is the game on my wishlist that I wanted the most and I got it for free. Lol, that makes it 9 free games out of 25 in my GoG library or 36 %, a much larger number than the amount of games I've played in either my Steam or GoG library.
ZaineH: So, not Nox. But the odds are getting better. :P
1 in 4 to be precise :)
Why is it that just as I decide to rest, all the dodgy people come out to try to keep me awake playing hunt-the-liar? :D
the_voivod: Listen to this person. Buy the game. Everybody.
... to get it away quickly so Nox can come.
LiefLayer: I have Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass in my wishlist and I think I will buy it on the 3 run (it I don't miss it).... but what do you think about this game? it's good?
Ragnar Tonquist the creator himself was here yesterday and told a bit about the game. It was about yesterday at the same time...maybe I'll search for that later and post a link for you.
IAmSinistar: LoG2 has much richer settings, and much more loot. But I found it a great deal more difficult, too. Still one to have though, especially if you enjoyed LoG.
Good to know. LoG2 has been a little pricey for my wallet, but when it gets older/cheaper I'll likely give it a shot.
Dachenko11: Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!
The_Blog: HAHAHA downloading hahahahaha ... wait ... you are serious? You are actually going to play something you bought? O.o
This is how I feel about almost my entire Steam, GOG, and Humble Bundle libraries. I have at least 200+ games that I haven't even touched. Why am I still buying?!

Nonetheless, Wasteland 2 and LoG 2 WILL be mine before the end of the day...on sale!
yyahoo: GOG did a JK prank in the previous Insomnia sale. It was like 10 or 20 of them for 80+% off. I doubt they'd copy the same joke again.
truhlik: I know, I know. That's why i took it as example :)
Ah, okay, well, I have no idea. I doubt anyone else does either. Generally, the fun of a prank like that is in the surprise...
MaGo72: Wow, Shadow Man was gone fast,. I was just reading about the graphic mod, got back to GOG and King of the Dragon Pass is up. Seems the game is quite good.
MarkoH01: Yes, it is. In this case it also has a good German dub (seldom, I know). I bought it on GOG set it to full HD and ws amazed how good it still looks and plays when you think about how old this game is. The German version is censored but there is a patch - or just play the original. You should really get it at this price.
I watched a let's play of the graphics mod and it looks quite decent and interesting storywise. I was too late when returning back to GOG, but thanks to Hummer010 I am downloading it now.
Matruchus: Buy Spellforce since its a Nordic games which will magically disappear from gogs catalog after the sale.
if nox finally appear, i dont care ;)
Matruchus: Buy Spellforce since its a Nordic games which will magically disappear from gogs catalog after the sale.
Drachenschatten: if nox finally appear, i dont care ;)
Was habt ihr denn wirklich mit diesem Nox :)
Dalthnock: I clicked Legend of Grimrock & guess what?

It wasn't free.

Not ONE free game.

It's all a lie.
Its true! I mean its a lie! I mean, uhh...
Dalthnock: I clicked Legend of Grimrock & guess what?

It wasn't free.

Not ONE free game.

It's all a lie.
LOL, since you mentioned, i messaged a friend yesterday about Ragnar Tornquist being here on the forums and he logged in to take a look, he casually clicked on just the two games at the moment and got a freebie. He wasn't even following the sale. XD