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bler144: I've probably put 40 hours into it and never finished it - the lack of variation in the environments means I rarely play for more than a few days at a time, even though I love it while playing it.
LoG2 has much richer settings, and much more loot. But I found it a great deal more difficult, too. Still one to have though, especially if you enjoyed LoG.
Maxvorstadt: But on which page in this thread is the smoking gun hidden?
CalicoPup: If only there were some manner in which to search through a person's past posts easily!

In this case it was easy to find (but of course I have been ninja'd again so I did not post). I just searched for the word "Money" because I remembered him complaining about having none. The most GOGers always talk about their wallet and not often about money. 2 pages hit a bit scrolling and there you are.
Repeat Seasoned deal: SpellForce Platinum (-80%) [150]
truhlik: Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
yyahoo: GOG did a JK prank in the previous Insomnia sale. It was like 10 or 20 of them for 80+% off. I doubt they'd copy the same joke again.
I know, I know. That's why i took it as example :)
opticq: Do you live on the East coast? It's my lunch time right now haha
Yes indeed, in Virginia.
Noxforce Platinum.
Mister-Gosh: Thanks Opticq and Zeffyr, now I have to find someone who needs it though ^^
It has been on my wishlist and I would like to try it if no one else asks for it. :)
So, not Nox. But the odds are getting better. :P
Does the "N" in subtitle count or not?
Dgmfresh: Signal Ops Key!
So many generous people ! That's so pleasant to see :D
(I'm not interested I must precise :) already been the subject of a lot of generosity, hope it will please someone else !)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Splatsch
CalicoPup: If only there were some manner in which to search through a person's past posts easily!

MarkoH01: In this case it was easy to find (but of course I have been ninja'd again so I did not post). I just searched for the word "Money" because I remembered him complaining about having none. The most GOGers always talk about their wallet and not often about money. 2 pages hit a bit scrolling and there you are.
See, that takes more effort than complaining about how easy it's not. And my reaction time isn't what it was back in the good old days.
Buy Spellforce since its a Nordic games which will magically disappear from gogs catalog after the sale.
Dalthnock: Not ONE free game.

It's all a lie.
I think I'm 0 for 140 at this point. Still, I planned to only buy 1-2 and instead bought 6.

Crazily enough - I've even downloaded one (Defender's Quest) and started to play it last night! But since it's windowed I could watch the sale while playing. ;)
Dachenko11: Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!
The_Blog: HAHAHA downloading hahahahaha ... wait ... you are serious? You are actually going to play something you bought? O.o
He plays a game he bought? We must call the Arkham Asylum, this can`t be normal!!!