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yyahoo: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. We are currently in Round 2. Kentucky Route has already appeared in this round. It should appear one more time in Round 3, as soon as the remaining Round 2 games appear.
LiefLayer: I mean
has Beyond Good & Evil appeared yet on round 2?
Not yet but it will soon
high rated
budejovice: In addition to the litter I picked up Chinese for lunch. But now I'm in the mood for grilled cheese!
You could always ask IAmSinistar to share some of that sandwich you gave him with you. ;-D
Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
Looks like 500 copies might have been a bit optimistic for Grimrock...
yyahoo: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. We are currently in Round 2. Kentucky Route has already appeared in this round. It should appear one more time in Round 3, as soon as the remaining Round 2 games appear.
LiefLayer: I mean
has Beyond Good & Evil appeared yet on round 2?
What has yet to appear in Round 2 is listed in the link I provided.
Well, bought LoG, for 2.69 € it`s a bargain! Will see how happy I`m with it.
IAmSinistar: I buy select games. But I buy them many, many times.

Incidentally, anyone who's on the fence about Legend of Grimrock - it's superb. I was utterly hooked when I played it.
IAmSinistar: Incidentally, anyone who's on the fence about Legend of Grimrock - it's superb. I was utterly hooked when I played it.
I've probably put 40 hours into it and never finished it - the lack of variation in the environments means I rarely play for more than a few days at a time, even though I love it while playing it.

Then I go away for 6 months to play other games in my catalog and cycle back, start a new party since I can't remember what secrets the old party found/hadn't, and rinse/repeat. Next time I'll have to remember that I don't want an Earth mage.

Still, for $3, absolutely, there's plenty of enjoyment to be had if a classic dungeon crawler with pretty light RPG elements is your thing, whether that's beating the game in one fell swoop or just jumping in with a new party configuration every now and then for a few hours of distraction between playing other games.
LiefLayer: I mean
has Beyond Good & Evil appeared yet on round 2?
opticq: Not yet:
great I'll try not to lose it this time.
high rated
budejovice: In addition to the litter I picked up Chinese for lunch. But now I'm in the mood for grilled cheese!
apehater: i don't get it, why would you eat a chinese?
All the Cubans (Germans) were gone! ba dum ts
IAmSinistar: Can't go to dinner until Nox comes around. I have to be here for the response.
Do you live on the East coast? It's my lunch time right now haha
truhlik: Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
Remember last year 10.000 Jack Keanes sold in less then a minute :)
I love how every purchase feels like a good deed. I also hate it because the scheme to get my money is working.
Dachenko11: Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!
HAHAHA downloading hahahahaha ... wait ... you are serious? You are actually going to play something you bought? O.o
Post edited March 04, 2015 by The_Blog
I wonder if Freespace 2 will show up...