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PassiveZombie: Has anyone seen Zafehouse: Diaries yet?
Do you mean in this sale, or just in general?
budejovice: In addition to the litter I picked up Chinese for lunch. But now I'm in the mood for grilled cheese!
i don't get it, why would you eat a chinese?
Mister-Gosh: Oh by the way people, I got A Story About My Uncle, if anyone needs it.
But you'd have to tell me how to gift it, though.
If you didn't check the gift option and put in your email address then its probably added to your account already.

EDIT: I see you did, so now it would be on your Gifts tab as other folks have highlighted already. :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by stg83
Shendue: NOX??? I thought it didn't pass yet? O_O
opticq: Nox hasn't been in 2nd round.

KRZ has
I know, i've bought KRZ, but user "bugamn" wrote that he lost Nox, which i found surprising since i didn't skip a single game in the last 12 hours and i never saw it.
IAmSinistar: I buy select games. But I buy them many, many times.

Incidentally, anyone who's on the fence about Legend of Grimrock - it's superb. I was utterly hooked when I played it.
I got it in a Humble Bundle awhile ago. I never finished it, but I thoroughly enjoyed what I played.
Tarnicus: I don't understand how people can flat out lie as they do every sale time when the evidence is left behind. Maybe it works in kindergarten but not here :)
goplanet: Politicians get away with it all the time.
Hence I avoid the compulsory democratic system of voting in Australia. I'll vote when there's an honest politician, an oxymoron if ever I've heard one!
budejovice: In addition to the litter I picked up Chinese for lunch. But now I'm in the mood for grilled cheese!
apehater: i don't get it, why would you eat a chinese?
Because they're delicious and there's over a billion of them! It's not like they're going to miss one or two, amiright?
LiefLayer: so beyond it's not roud 2 yet?
yyahoo: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. We are currently in Round 2. Kentucky Route has already appeared in this round. It should appear one more time in Round 3, as soon as the remaining Round 2 games appear.
I mean
has Beyond Good & Evil appeared yet on round 2?
Thanks Opticq and Zeffyr, now I have to find someone who needs it though ^^
PassiveZombie: Has anyone seen Zafehouse: Diaries yet?
Matruchus: Its not in the promo.

Link to promo list:
yyahoo: Sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. We are currently in Round 2. Kentucky Route has already appeared in this round. It should appear one more time in Round 3, as soon as the remaining Round 2 games appear.
LiefLayer: I mean
has Beyond Good & Evil appeared yet on round 2?
Not yet:
Shendue: I know, i've bought KRZ, but user "bugamn" wrote that he lost Nox, which i found surprising since i didn't skip a single game in the last 12 hours and i never saw it.
It was a joke. An evil joke.
Can't go to dinner until Nox comes around. I have to be here for the response.
Dalthnock: You can't just waltz in here & start begging for games.

You have to give something first.

I have given my wit, funniness, charm & good looks.

Now shower me with games, people.

Shower me with games.
Maxvorstadt: We could throw some empty game boxes at you, is this okay?
Well, just kidding!
You mean the huge cardboard boxes from last millennium?


They look good AND are very useful. You can:

- Store your underwear in them
- Use them as homes for your pet hamsters
- Hide your sexual toys inside
- Carry your netbook & all the accessories in one
- Put them in a shelf & only remove them to dust them off

VERY useful.
Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!