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Can imagine Shadowgate as next fresh game^^
IAmSinistar: Check your PMs. :)
foxworks: My socks off to you
HA! indeed a +1 for IAMSinistar as always for also keeping track of who needs what game in this thread. :)
I saw Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition appearing (the one I was looking the most for), (very) happily cliked on "buy it" and... site suddenly unaccessible. GOGBear. Tried again and again, and... now, finally, after too much time, it's working AGAIN. And I saw Door Kickers passed too in the same time. I'm so... disgusted XD
I'll have to wait for the third round (hopping I won't encounter this again and wait for nothing, and hoping I'll simply cross this two games again).
I guess nobody have extra keys, that I'll refund him ?

Edit : Generosity of IAmSinistar saved me ! Thanks again :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Splatsch
Wow, Shadow Man was gone fast,. I was just reading about the graphic mod, got back to GOG and King of the Dragon Pass is up. Seems the game is quite good.
Dalthnock: Badly.

I'll still get it, though. But only when all 3 are on sale.

If I'm not mistaken, this sale only contains Book I, right?
Shendue: I'll have to disagree. I played both and liked Kyrandia much more.
The 2nd episode, tho, is WAY better then the 1st one. Did you know that the author lives in Italy? He was at a game convention some friends of mine helped organizing some months ago. Unfortunately i missed him because he wasn't there the 2nd day, but my friends were able to talk with him a lot and he even signed their boxed copies of Kyrandia.
Oh man yes. The second one is so good. O_O.
the_voivod: GOG will rue this day.

Edit: Also, hello!
Deep breaths ... it will come
I have Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass in my wishlist and I think I will buy it on the 3 run (it I don't miss it).... but what do you think about this game? it's good?
CalicoPup: I specifically recall that of this person, or of someone with a shockingly similar name with an identical icon.
Maxvorstadt: But on which page in this thread is the smoking gun hidden?
If only there were some manner in which to search through a person's past posts easily!

MissFable: Anyone keeping track of what games are left to go in this round?
IAmSinistar: I summon The List!

Nox is down to a 1-in-6 chance, so literally a roll of the die.
Unlike yesterday, today i was able to stealthily avoid the customer service duties almost entirely, therefore i didn't miss a single game. The ones i'm looking for still have to come.
Dalthnock: Badly.

I'll still get it, though. But only when all 3 are on sale.

If I'm not mistaken, this sale only contains Book I, right?
Shendue: I'll have to disagree. I played both and liked Kyrandia much more.
The 2nd episode, tho, is WAY better then the 1st one. Did you know that the author lives in Italy? He was at a game convention some friends of mine helped organizing some months ago. Unfortunately i missed him because he wasn't there the 2nd day, but my friends were able to talk with him a lot and he even signed their boxed copies of Kyrandia.
Well, it's all a matter of taste. I prefer the pseudo-Discworld humour of Simon the Sorcerer, but I guess I can see how other people would prefer Kyrandia.

Kinda like those poor, clueless, misguided people that prefer Sierra over LucasArts! Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!!!

Just ribbin' ya, mate. ;)
IAmSinistar: I summon The List!

Nox is down to a 1-in-6 chance, so literally a roll of the die.
But you get Nox armor save so it automatically fails.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
Does anybody have a spare Red Faction 1 key, i missed it several times and i always wanted to play it cus of the 1999 destruktionzzzz :D
IAmSinistar: A really good grilled cheese sandwich would be awesome. :)
budejovice: Check your PMs! ;)
Mmm, quatre-formaggio on sourdough! Perfecto!
amrit9037: I never said that I don't have money neither I begged for any game!
I missed DoorKickers once and that's what I was asking for.
But nailed it this time.
Is that so?

amrit9037: I have no money to buy anything so I am fully dependent on generous people!
zeffyr: I can see you're only begging in this thread - that's the easiest way to get derepped.
amrit9037: Yeah I am. That's what people WITHOUT MONEY do :P