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high rated
budejovice: Thanks IAmSinistar! Let me know if you need anything!
IAmSinistar: A really good grilled cheese sandwich would be awesome. :)
Check your PMs! ;)
Goodie, I didn't miss Cognition
Crap, just bought Shadow Man.

I guess it's the rush for having my list nearly completed.

I was gonna buy it anyway, though, so I guess it's alright.
j0ekerr: I remember Kyrandia, it grinded and crawled until it slowed down to a halt on my PS/2. Thus I never got to play it.

How does it compare against Simon the Sorcerer?
Dalthnock: Badly.

I'll still get it, though. But only when all 3 are on sale.

If I'm not mistaken, this sale only contains Book I, right?
I'll have to disagree. I played both and liked Kyrandia much more.
The 2nd episode, tho, is WAY better then the 1st one. Did you know that the author lives in Italy? He was at a game convention some friends of mine helped organizing some months ago. Unfortunately i missed him because he wasn't there the 2nd day, but my friends were able to talk with him a lot and he even signed their boxed copies of Kyrandia.
MissFable: Anyone keeping track of what games are left to go in this round?
I summon The List!

Nox is down to a 1-in-6 chance, so literally a roll of the die.
Maxvorstadt: Aren`t you the one who wanted us to gift you games because you have no money?
CalicoPup: I specifically recall that of this person, or of someone with a shockingly similar name with an identical icon.
But on which page in this thread is the smoking gun hidden?
GOG is my primary game site, but I usually only venture to the forums during Insomnia sales like this. Always impressed with the camaraderie I see in threads like these. You guys are amazing.
Repeat Seasoned deal: King of Dragon Pass (-75%) [300]
Has anyone seen voivod lately? Got awfully quiet....
Edit: nvm. refreshed and she appears. I will make no comparisons to certain mythological underworld related personages.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by auberon2k
Post edited March 04, 2015 by the_voivod
high rated
Maxvorstadt: Aren`t you the one who wanted us to gift you games because you have no money?
amrit9037: I never said that I don't have money neither I begged for any game!
I missed DoorKickers once and that's what I was asking for.
But nailed it this time.

zeffyr: I can see you're only begging in this thread - that's the easiest way to get derepped.
amrit9037: Yeah I am. That's what people WITHOUT MONEY do :P
Edit: link to no money and begging post

You'll have to do better than this with this community :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Tarnicus
Well I see I did not miss much while I was away.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by goplanet
King of noxless pass is on now! Did somebody shoot Nox down? Oswald?
Maxvorstadt: Aren`t you the one who wanted us to gift you games because you have no money?
amrit9037: I never said that I don't have money neither I begged for any game!
I missed DoorKickers once and that's what I was asking for.
But nailed it this time.