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high rated
Cancelled my planned post for someone to watch for Door Kickers while I was away at lunch. Had to get litter for the cat, 48 minutes later... strike out. :)

I've got some non-insomnia gifts if anyone has an extra...

EDIT: Someone was too quick.

You can +1 them at

Thank you!
Post edited March 04, 2015 by budejovice
You know I honestly have no idea why I am watching this so closely I can't get any of the games I want until the next round.
zeffyr: Uff, grabbed Door Kickers. Finally! 8$ is much though. In Poland you can get awesome 40cm pizza for 8$... ;-)

Anyway, I was hunting that and I made it :-)
amrit9037: You were not the only one aiming on that!
Aren`t you the one who wanted us to gift you games because you have no money?
j0ekerr: I remember Kyrandia, it grinded and crawled until it slowed down to a halt on my PS/2. Thus I never got to play it.

How does it compare against Simon the Sorcerer?
Dalthnock: Badly.

I'll still get it, though. But only when all 3 are on sale.

If I'm not mistaken, this sale only contains Book I, right?
Why does it matter? Get the first cheap now and then get the other two when they're on sale later? Why pass up a great price now?
j0ekerr: I remember Kyrandia, it grinded and crawled until it slowed down to a halt on my PS/2. Thus I never got to play it.

How does it compare against Simon the Sorcerer?
I love them both, but Kyrandia has an edge for me. The art is gorgeous and I feel like the characters are more memorable and likeable.
the_voivod: More like CRYandia. Ammirite?!
Careful, there's a terryfyingly small step from that to full-on 'yer momma' jokes.
Dalthnock: GOG has redeemed me. I am a born again gamer.
Ahah, good one. May i steal that from you to use it as a signature?
high rated
budejovice: Cancelled my planned post for someone to watch for Door Kickers while I was away at lunch. Had to get litter for the cat, 48 minutes later... strike out. :)

I've got some non-insomnia gifts if anyone has an extra...
Check your PMs. :)
After all this hype for Doorkickers, GOG was unreachable for me during its entire sale. Just came back up in time to see the game card flip over. I wouldn't have bought it, but wanted to roll for a critical at least :-)
Dalthnock: Badly.

I'll still get it, though. But only when all 3 are on sale.

If I'm not mistaken, this sale only contains Book I, right?
yyahoo: Why does it matter? Get the first cheap now and then get the other two when they're on sale later? Why pass up a great price now?
All or nothing.

If I get the first one now, it'll bother me that I don't have the others. And I won't wait for a sale then.


On the other hand, I got games like Two Worlds & Alan Wake that I wouldn't have gotten if the complete thing wasn't on sale, so... it balances out.
amrit9037: You were not the only one aiming on that!
Maxvorstadt: Aren`t you the one who wanted us to gift you games because you have no money?
Yep they were. Sometimes people forget their stories. Quite common amongst dishonest people. Nox that I'm casting dispersions :P
Well, for the last 10 minutes or so the main site has ground to a halt for me. The forum still appears to be working fine, just the shop side of the site - main page, gamecard pages and the purchase pages.

Anyone else experiencing this?
high rated
budejovice: Cancelled my planned post for someone to watch for Door Kickers while I was away at lunch. Had to get litter for the cat, 48 minutes later... strike out. :)

I've got some non-insomnia gifts if anyone has an extra...
IAmSinistar: Check your PMs. :)
Thanks IAmSinistar! Let me know if you need anything!
Repeat Seasoned deal: Shadow Man (-75%) [100]
Good evening, Shadow Man. Sure, some think you miss an X, but still.