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I thought it was going to be Nox, but I didn't expect the bloody Inquisition.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Exoanthrope
Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (-75%) [250]

Oh, I see what happened to Nox. It got ambushed by the Spanish Inquisition.
How is that Heretic Kingdoms game?
Post edited March 04, 2015 by IronArcturus
arxon: seems like many people are waiting for Nox, I better be fast when it comes up then :)
But your name backwards is Nox Ra, clearly the ancient Lord of Nox whose coming was foretold!

Hail to thee, oh Nox Ra, and bless us with this thy game!
Maxvorstadt: When I was a kid I loved to listen those Beatles songs.
Tarnicus: Me too :)
Well, this bird has flown! :-)
HypersomniacLive: You call those sox?
IAmSinistar: Cannot confirm, as I can't seem to move my eyes below a certain point in that picture.
Oi get yer hand off yer...jocks!
IAmSinistar: [...]

Nor, indeed, is Samantha Fox In Sox.
HypersomniacLive: You call those sox?
Those are some enormous knox, I mean sox!
tfishell: So I guess tomorrow is the last day for the sale?
Previous Insomnias just went until games finished up in the third cycle. Not sure if that's what they're gonna use again.
the_voivod: That.



Wouldn't it be amusing if it turns out to be the last game of the 2nd round? It has to show up soon we are almost out of round 2 seasoned games.
arxon: seems like many people are waiting for Nox, I better be fast when it comes up then :)
Basically 1 person waiting for it, and everyone else jumped on the inside joke bandwagon who already owns it.
it's a bird?
it's a plane?

Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (-75%) [250]
Was waiting for this one. Another gifting key secured.
tfishell: So I guess tomorrow is the last day for the sale?
stan423321: Previous Insomnias just went until games finished up in the third cycle. Not sure if that's what they're gonna use again.
Hmmm, I thought this would all last for 96 hours, perhaps that was just an estimate and it really depends how fast the quantities go? We're on the second cycle now?
jakob187: Jade Empire is 10 letters. Take off two and it makes 8 letters.

Take the space into account as a character and that makes 3 characters.

Not sure if Half-Life 3 confirmed or Nox™ confirmed.
Tarnicus: You cracked the code! What is the release date?
high rated
IAmSinistar: Cannot confirm, as I can't seem to move my eyes below a certain point in that picture.
You mean he bubble gum?
djdarko: Hey, lets all put on Noxzema (check your wife's/mother's/sister's/daughter's bathroom) in anticipation.
wtf kind of slogan is that? "Your face belongs to Noxzema"?!? lol