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Lecterl: Anyone have a copy of Stronghold HD or NOx for resale since I missed them? Upsets me cause I have an original copy of NOx but they put the CD key on a stupid piece of paper and not on the case. Guess what I DONT have anymore. Kind of like my CD keys for Neverwinter Nights and all its expansions
We are still in the second round so you will have another chance to get stronghold. Nox has not yet come up in this round but it should be soon.
Hello, I'm new, but I have spent hours reading the posts. This thread is more fun than playing most games, and has kept me entertained while I waited for games to come up.

I missed the last one I tried to buy, clicked on the buy button and the wheels just went round and round and round until I finally refreshed the page to find GOG telling me that I had missed my chance and I could either pay the full price or buy something else or wait for a freebie. Freebie? Ha! Not one has come my way so far.

The game I lost was Children of the Nile, if anyone has an unwanted copy to sell or swap?
I did buy the next game that game up, which I didn't really want, so I could offer Clive Barker's Undying in exchange? Also several other games, which I can't recall off the top of my head, but I could name some in my morning. I'm not a night owl, and I've been up since 4am, so I'll have to check my library in the morning.

I missed Arcanum yesterday, when the GOG site wouldn't load, and I'm still hoping for Baldur's Gate to appear, also Long Live the Queen, but I think I'm hoping in vain...

I posted this once already, I thought, but it's missing. Lazarus kindly restored it for me, so I'm trying again..
Wow, W2 outselling JE is kind of shocking to me.
toxicTom: This is getting obnoxious
IAmSinistar: Are you being overcome by noxious fumes?
I got visions of AquaNox and Anachronox showing up in the sale...
high rated
IAmSinistar: [...]

Nor, indeed, is Samantha Fox In Sox.
You call those sox?
I think all already own TW2
Post edited March 04, 2015 by LiefLayer
truhlik: BeetleNOX! BeetleNOX! BeetleNOX!
That definitely helps! ^^
alt-J Breezeblocks?
A pox on the Nox!
Turtlesaur: im finally on during Jade Empire sale, missed first two (or was it just one?), but doesnt look like its gonna last too long. its selling really fast :o
I know, I missed it the other times finally got it :) And btw, what is Nox?
Grargar: Gee, what an obNoxious game.
+1 :)
IAmSinistar: Nor, indeed, is Samantha Fox In Sox.
HypersomniacLive: You call those sox?
Cannot confirm, as I can't seem to move my eyes below a certain point in that picture.
GAH! Jade Empire! One I actually want to buy! I hate being stuck at work during sales like this.
jakob187: Jade Empire is 10 letters. Take off two and it makes 8 letters.

Take the space into account as a character and that makes 3 characters.

Not sure if Half-Life 3 confirmed or Nox™ confirmed.
You cracked the code! What is the release date?
j0ekerr: Watching the green bar slowly disappear reminds me of a reversed version of the good old times when I stayed watching e-mule's download bar slowly grow.

Who says watching paint dry is boring?
Oh man, I sure remember those days downloading a small video file back then was like staring at a clock in school, blinking and glancing back and forth to see that bar move by a centimeter.
Hey, lets all put on Noxzema (check your wife's/mother's/sister's/daughter's bathroom) in anticipation.