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justanoldgamer: It's been a long time since I saw a Mordillo comic.
Ditto. Thanks HypersomniacLive :)

So did you buy Sacred 2?
The red faction has been replaced by A bards tale.
IronArcturus: huN73R, you should donate it to the BBBBoB giveaway!
huN73R: Done, thanks for pointing me that way.
No problem! :)
Not Nox, but we can't hold it against him. Just look at that roguish smile.
The_Blog: Gift 15 people games and the karma gods will look upn you and see your work. You will instantly get 5000 karma points.
IAmSinistar: I didn't know those could be used to get free games. I've been using them to offset my crimes against humanity.
I use that to bypass taxes. It works quite well. Already built myself a buisness and so far no karma cops in sight.
These karma points are like coupons. I can literally print money with them. It is great ;D
The_Blog: Gift 15 people games and the karma gods will look upn you and see your work. You will instantly get 5000 karma points.
stg83: Indeed, +rep to you for the tremendous generosity in this thread The_Blog as you certainly deserve all the good fortune.
I feel flattered :3
I actually never gave so many games away, but it was pretty fun so see people being happy about it. Might going to do this in the future sales. But as a student my funds are limited ^^
Post edited March 04, 2015 by The_Blog
Repeat Seasoned deal: Bard's Tale, The (-80%) [200]
zeo: So to get some game for free you have to click on buy and it shows you 0$ ?

I have been doing that for two days and nothing :(
There is no guarantees that everyone will get a freebie, just like there is no guarantees that some lucky *expletive* won't get many.
Weird thing is, I`ve seen Two Worlds pop up for one second before Bards Tale came.
Dang you Bards Tale for making me impulse buy you.
foxworks: All this Nox talk is making my ears tingle!
Tarnicus: And here I was thinking it was because I haxxored your dox :P
My dox is fine but paws of the spreadsheets or the fox will throw rocks ;)
I still want to see a promo on Starpoint Gemini 2 or Space Run...
I already own the bard's tale on android. it's a real fun game

PS. I really like the witcher 1 but I don't really like the witcher 2...
Post edited March 04, 2015 by LiefLayer