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iscagog: Can someone please make my taskbar flash if Nox or Shadowrun Dragonfall comes up? Watching footie now. Ta

(missed dinner btw - ty GOG)
HypersomniacLive: How does this work for you?
ROFL - DEFO better than Michael Owen's commentary
Dalthnock: Dammit! I've been waiting for over a day for

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (-80%) [150]
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (-85%) [100]
Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie {movie} (-50%) [150]
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut (-60%)

I just want to get these so I can be done with all this nonsense & never, ever, ever do it again.

... until the next sale.

Edit: I cannot believe I was Ninja'd with this lame joke.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by MarkoH01
Was done since this morning with everything I wanted from this sale since I was lucky enough to catch them all at the start but with all this Nox spam going about I'm not sure what I'll do when it hits...
iscagog: Can someone please make my taskbar flash if Nox or Shadowrun Dragonfall comes up? Watching footie now. Ta

(missed dinner btw - ty GOG)
HypersomniacLive: How does this work for you?
It's been a long time since I saw a Mordillo comic.
I'd take Signal Ops if it's still available, thank you.

And I had my first freebie yesterday morning with Sam & Max Hit the Road, which was nice, since I'd bought it two times already on CD.
Stevie Nox - Landslide Oh sorry, this isn't the What are You Listening to Now thread?
Ugh, sell damn you...
Post edited March 04, 2015 by IAmSinistar
high rated
huN73R: Got my 4th freebie a while ago, Signal Ops. Anyone want it?
Give it to Sachys? He was inquiring about the game.
day 3, bought games 8, freebie 0 :/
Mousecraft is tempting, but I'm sure it'll be even cheaper next sale.
Tarnicus: Stevie Nox - Landslide Oh sorry, this isn't the What are You Listening to Now thread?
nox, its nox that topic.
huN73R: Got my 4th freebie a while ago, Signal Ops. Anyone want it?
HypersomniacLive: Give it to Sachys? He was inquiring about the game.
Good call!
zenwan: Hello, I'm new, but I have spent hours reading the posts. This thread is more fun than playing most games, and has kept me entertained while I waited for games to come up.

I missed the last one I tried to buy, clicked on the buy button and the wheels just went round and round and round until I finally refreshed the page to find GOG telling me that I had missed my chance and I could either pay the full price or buy something else or wait for a freebie. Freebie? Ha! Not one has come my way so far.

The game I lost was Children of the Nile, if anyone has an unwanted copy?
I did buy the next game that game up, which I didn't really want, so I could offer Clive Barker's Undying in exchange? Also several other games, which I can't recall off the top of my head, but I could name some in my morning. I'm not a night owl, and I've been up since 4am, so I'll have to check my library in the morning.

I missed Arcanum yesterday, when the GOG site wouldn't load, and I'm still hoping for Baldur's Gate to appear, also Long Live the Queen, but I think I'm hoping in vain...
long live the queen and balders gate are not part of this springs promo.
high rated
MissFable: Which will go 1st Red faction 2 or mousecraft?
The Faction seems to have escaped the mousetrap. ;-)
IronArcturus: huN73R, you should donate it to the BBBBoB giveaway!
Done, thanks for pointing me that way.