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Maxvorstadt: I could have sworn that my tobacco pack was full when I bought it a few hours ago. Now it`s nealy half empty. Someone is stealing my tobacco! Gremliiins!!!
I could swear that I had a cigarette in my hand, where is it? I gotta roll a new one!
Are looking at me through my webcam? I was rolling one just as I read your post.

foxworks: haha, I think that quashes one for the gift pile ;-p
Speak of the fox :)
hummer010: Mousecraft?!? Who the fuck wants Mousecraft?

Are you even listening, GOG?
Those kind of replies make Jack Keening want to come visit for 600 sales
duke noxem forever.. and ever .... and eeeeeveeeerrrr
high rated
Tarnicus: OMG Still Nox? Quite fitting for this sale :P
I was able to capture a screenshot of when I got NOXbear'd.
Tannath: It's actually a charming game. Tough crowd...
They're just cheesed off.
Sigh, time to go to bed and undoubtedly miss Dreamfall Chapters yet again...
Tarnicus: OMG Still Nox? Quite fitting for this sale :P
justanoldgamer: Except for the whole "trying to sleep as little as possible" thing we have going on.

(Good find.)
I could have done with some. Corticosteroids have me wide awake right now and the sun is coming up!
the_voivod: I'm still waiting for Shadowgate to resurface too. Presumably it will go the way of Nox and take forever.

"Doing a Nox". That needs to be a thing.
Damn, I was doing so well - only holding out for one more game. Now I've got to wait for Nox as well. Going to have to not eat, open up a new window to watch football, and .. and .. I need to go to the potty!

(sorry - too much info)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by iscagog
Chubz: Perhaps this has already been answered numerous times, but what exactly is the point of listing the games that have been on sale?
Tekkaman-James: Since not everyone can monitor a sale like this 24 hours a day, creating a tracker thread lets people know what games have appeared and, potentially, what games are still to come. It's a way of managing people's expectations. Plus, it gives us all an excuse to hang out and have a good time!
Yeah, how else could a thread build >7000 posts in a little more than 50 hours? =)
HypersomniacLive: So, no Hitman 2: Silent Assassin today?
Could happen, depending on how long it takes the remaining Seasoned titles to sell. And where it ends up in the random third cycle.
Tarnicus: Speak of the fox :)
All this Nox talk is making my ears tingle!
Is it me or did never-ending nightmare went faster this time around.
IAmSinistar: It'll have to be an iPhone then. Only Apple fanatics love their phones enough to wine and dine them. ;)
j0ekerr: Weeeell, actually...
Are those "boobs" on your mouse pad? Do they provide a restful position for your wrist? Or does it chafe after a while?

I'm quite proud that I managed to avoid all the easy jokes that the situation provides, by the way.