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the_voivod: Let's be honest, at this point the site really needs to be renamed to
Yeah, I don't get it either, why won't they list it. Anyone noticed if they listed Lands of Lore 3, either?
the_voivod: There are no words. Apart from two.
Grargar: Plox Nox.
How does Nox compare to the Baldur's Gate series?
The_Blog: Damn it's dinner time. I hope so dearly that none of the three games come up ^^
It would be a shame otherwise...
Get a smartphone and take it to dinner. :p
Trid: Didn't know that Nox is so popular.
The_Blog: It is a cool Diablo 2-Clone with even a simple physics system and depending of your class it even changes up a bit. I also really like the spritework on this game. All in all an underestimated game.
And I have to mention that it has a good shadowing system. You can only see what your character could really see. If you stand before a pillar the the other side of it lies in the shadows, so you don`t know what`s behind it.
The_Blog: It is a cool Diablo 2-Clone with even a simple physics system and depending of your class it even changes up a bit. I also really like the spritework on this game. All in all an underestimated game.
Trid: I know, it was 1st game ever that was gifted to me on gog years ago (cheers Dischord), I'm just surprised cuz it was not that populat in the past (or so I thought).
I never really looked closely at it, looks like someone took Diablo 2 and crammed it in a blender with Baldur's Gate 2. Hmm...
The_Blog: Damn it's dinner time. I hope so dearly that none of the three games come up ^^
It would be a shame otherwise...
Pardinuz: Get a smartphone and take it to dinner. :p
Gog has been terrible to load on a smartphone during this promo! :\
Grargar: Plox Nox.
IronArcturus: How does Nox compare to the Baldur's Gate series?
It does not compare. Two different beasts. Nox is just for the fun of it.
Pardinuz: Get a smartphone and take it to dinner. :p
It'll have to be an iPhone then. Only Apple fanatics love their phones enough to wine and dine them. ;)
Micro-BIOS: I only played Wizardry 1 and it rocked (30 years ago).
Awesome. Not many people know that the legendary Bard's Tale started as a Wizardry rip-off with one added class - the bard.
Cyraxpt: Gog has been terrible to load on a smartphone during this promo! :\
Not terrible. Impossible.
Grargar: Plox Nox.
IronArcturus: How does Nox compare to the Baldur's Gate series?
In the same way a pair of shoes compare to a proton pack.
The_Blog: Damn it's dinner time. I hope so dearly that none of the three games come up ^^
It would be a shame otherwise...
I'm back from diner :D
What are the ones you're waiting for ? (and bon appétit :) )
IronArcturus: How does Nox compare to the Baldur's Gate series?
j0ekerr: In the same way a pair of shoes compare to a proton pack.
Both have protons.
the_voivod: Children of the Nile? That's not Nox.
Maxvorstadt: Obviously! Well, at least not Noxfretete.
Sorry, couldn`t resist! :-)
Somehow I have to kill the time when the games are keaning!
have you... tried playing... a game..?

Sorry. hitting the bed soon, 4-5h of Witcher 1 today and lots of adhd gog-surfing...
blahblah good night
Lemon_Curry: I have but only for about an hour as I got so tired of the clunkiness that I completely lost interest.
IronArcturus: Is it because of the whole 3-window thing?
Nope. It was mostly due to the cumbersome player control. Especially the slow pace of the characters...