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So, getting freebie is critical hit now? Ah, evolution... :)
LiefLayer: Wizardry 6+7 critical hit!!!!!!
I don't know this game... it's a good one?
I only played Wizardry 1 and it rocked (30 years ago).
Only waiting for the fresh sale to keane over.

- Doorkickers (plus an extra copy for kmolloy whos SO is in the hospital)
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
- Shadowgate

Basicly the only games I am missing for the sale.
Grargar: Repeat Seasoned deal: Two Worlds (-80%) [200]

Cover approved by foxworks™.
Repeat Seasoned deal: Children of the Nile Complete (-80%) [150]
IronArcturus: Has anyone tried that Signal Ops game?
Maxvorstadt: When I first read your post, I read "Has anyone fried that Signal Ops game?" lol
So Fried Green Signal Ops? :P
Tarnicus: Writer yes, author no. The difference to me is having something published, and the work I have spent the most time on is now the work I will publish last. I am currently writing a post-apocalyptic survival adventure game-book set in Australia, hopefully the first in a series.
MrDrWatson: Nice! Mad Max meets The Road style? I would buy it!
I need to stop talking about it and get to completing it! Not quite as mad as Max nor as futile as The Road and yet it obviously shares similar themes, and there is more than one crazy isolated Aussie in it. I'll see if I can find a photograph I came across the other day that inspired me for a character. I just have to remember what I was searching for when I came across it. Every location in the first game-book is accurate. It is set between where I currently live and a town about 20 or so miles away. We've got some great landmarks here that are perfect for the setting (I live in The Blue Mountains); a military base(they caused massive bushfires the year before last due to exploding ordinance that got out of control), a jail, beautiful scenery, the Lithgow Panther, people from all walks of life, the only escape route from Sydney heading west...a word of warning - avoid those city-folk! :P There is a walking track near here that links up with 3500km of walks all along the east coast of Australia.

As for the story...I'll leave that to your imagination for now :) How would YOU survive if society collapsed? What if you didn't know it had...
IronArcturus: Has anyone tried that Signal Ops game?
I have but only for about an hour as I got so tired of the clunkiness that I completely lost interest.
Why Nox? Where have you gone?!
the_voivod: Children of the Nile? That's not Nox.
Nor is it Children of the Corn. Which frankly would make a pretty damn cool building sim.
the_voivod: Children of the Nile? That's not Nox.
Try to look at it with both eyes closed :)
the_voivod: Children of the Nile? That's not Nox.
This should probably be getting old, but it's nox. Err...I mean, it's not. :P
the_voivod: Children of the Nile? That's not Nox.
Obviously! Well, at least not Noxfretete.
Sorry, couldn`t resist! :-)
Somehow I have to kill the time when the games are keaning!
Wish everyone a good time here. I will have to be away from the computer for the next 4 or 5 hours. Keep the fun going!