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Grargar: Worse. At least there is a DVD non-Steam version of Serious Sam 2; no such luck with Far Cry 3+4, where even the Steam version requires Uplay.
a drm in a drm -_- , thing i hate the most
the_voivod: Gobliiins? That's not Nox.
Gonna go out on a limb and say that Nox is next.
TrevorWilliams: Confession time: Anyone else take their phone/tablet with them on bathroom breaks to make sure you don't miss anything?
Exoanthrope: Maybe...

... I even sleep with my phone so I can wake up and check it at regular intervals. >.>
The first night of the sale, I set my alarm for every 15 minutes to look at the current slate. That made for a pretty awful day at work yesterday. Last night, I only checked if I woke up naturally, so just a couple times. Got the last copy of something I wanted though!
Klumpen0815: I'd say the chances are the same as getting Serious Sam 2 and 3 here. ;)
Not existent.
Grargar: Worse. At least there is a DVD non-Steam version of Serious Sam 2; no such luck with Far Cry 3+4, where even the Steam version requires Uplay.
But one can always hope! Here are some wishlists:

Far Cry 3
Far Cry 4

Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 3
high rated
genkicolleen: Not as well as I'd hoped! Hubby's worse, eldest is about the same, but I think youngest will be able to go back to school tomorrow. ^_^
Dang, the score could sure have been better. Sending waves of positive thoughts for a swift and full recovery for all your family members.

genkicolleen: I guess so, but they get better looking, unlike women, who just get old ;p
*looks at genkicolleen's avatar*

Hey, but you're still so young and fresh, and you look like the type that will age gracefully. ;-)
Arrgh - still not sure whether to take a punt on Sacred 2 - looks a bit cartoony
Klumpen0815: I'd say the chances are the same as getting Serious Sam 2 and 3 here. ;)
Not existent.
Grargar: Worse. At least there is a DVD non-Steam version of Serious Sam 2; no such luck with Far Cry 3+4, where even the Steam version requires Uplay.
An then theres SS3's probably most hilarious DRM ever made:
"The pink scorpion of death"-DRM
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815
high rated
I wish Train Fever was in this sale.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by budejovice
Lol. Went to dine and missed FC2 for the second time. -_-
Exoanthrope: But I thought women age like fine wine? :)
Lol, the problem is that we all stay young, healthy and beautiful until around 30, but then we live until around 80
skeletonbow: I'm 380 hours into Skyrim and still have over 30 active major questlines open, and about 30 minor side-quests and still haven't even visited one of the major cities yet. :)
Maxvorstadt: Yeah, Skyrim is big, but Sacred 2 is bigger! I have spent much time in it, but I didn`t even discover about 10% of the world. It`s huge and has many cities.
Awesome, I love epic games like that. I own Sacred on GOG but haven't played it yet although it looked awesome so I couldn't pass it up on one of the previous promos. I've got Sacred 2 on my wishlist also and should probably pick that up sometime in the future also, especially if it is that huge. Did some googling and it appears that the average time to complete Skyrim and Sacred 2 is about the same at just over 200 hours. That means my slowpletionist time will probably be more like 450 hours for each game LOL
Repeat Seasoned deal: Two Worlds (-80%) [200]

Cover approved by foxworks™.
I'll have to bid you all a hearty farewell for now, as I have work within an hour. I've got a fair amount of stuff so far, but there's still some things I hope to buy. Namely:

* Arcanum

* Wizardry 6, 7, 8

The AVGN Movie

* The Black Mirror

* Battle Isle Premium

* Return to Krondor

* Gex

* Nox

*Vampire the Masquerade
HypersomniacLive: Dang, the score could sure have been better. Sending waves of positive thoughts for a swift and full recovery for all your family members.
Thank you so much! :D

HypersomniacLive: *looks at genkicolleen's avatar*

Hey, but you're still so young and fresh, and you look like the type that will age gracefully. ;-)
Mahaha XD One can hope!
budejovice: I wish Train Fever was in this sale.
Don't worry. Its only one more day till it comes to gog.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus