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high rated
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
There will ALWAYS be takers for ANY gog key. Maybe not during this sale, but probably.

Lots of people run their own giveaways in the forums or donate games to larger giveaways. Stealth gifting inside this thread will probably take care of most anything, however. I bought my first games to gift (outside of games to my brother) during the last Insomnia sale in May. And it's been downhill ever since. ;)
HotfireLegend: Got Far Cry 2 \o/

Planning to use it with some mods~
The driving bits are good, but tbh it left me cold to play
Post edited March 04, 2015 by goplanet
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
I just buy keys either for games I really like and want to share, or games I notice get asked for a lot. It's not hard to find someone who would appreciate the keys... unless it's torchlight. ;)
Rawland: Challenge Accepted....
Maxvorstadt: Morituri te salutant, eh? The world is so big, even Skyrim + Oblivion is smaller than the world of Sacred 2. To play thru the whole game will take you easyly about 80+ hours.
I'm 380 hours into Skyrim and still have over 30 active major questlines open, and about 30 minor side-quests and still haven't even visited one of the major cities yet. :)
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
The games that sell out fastest are good bets. Star Wars X-Wing / TIEFighter seem to be flying off the shelves...
genkicolleen: Not as well as I'd hoped! Hubby's worse, eldest is about the same, but I think youngest will be able to go back to school tomorrow. ^_^
Males only get weaker with age. :)
Rawland: Just got my first crit on Sacred 2
Excellent, congratulations.
hummer010: Do you want it? It was my one and only crit, and I already have it.
Thank you but I just got a gift from someone else. I'd rather let someone else enjoy it. :)
lz8: Very cool! Then you should get off-line more often and offer the world your own imagination's adventure! :)
Tarnicus: That's the plan. At least until this happened. I never managed to find a 'docotor' but fortunately found a doctor who helped :P
Ow! Sorry about that eye & lack of good fortune with doctors. Wish I could help, but no ideas at all. I've rinsed my eye out with saline solution when some little thing has gotten in there & just needs to get flushed back out (using bottled solution for contact users), but sounds like you might have a bigger issue. Hope all goes well!
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
Leonard03: Get torchlight keys :P
1) Do not listen to this guy
2) Games that sell out quickly are usually the ones people want. Just keep an eye on this thread and buy a spare copy for games people mention a lot. Or generally just buy keys for Lucasarts games (Sam&Max, Indiana Jones, and Secret of Monkey Island are in this sale I believe).
Post edited March 04, 2015 by oldaperture
HotfireLegend: Got Far Cry 2 \o/

Planning to use it with some mods~
iscagog: The driving bits are good, but tbh it left me cold to play
Yeah, I kinda just wanna drive around xD
IAmSinistar: Males only get weaker with age. :)
I guess so, but they get better looking, unlike women, who just get old ;p
Far Cry 2 is seasoned? Damn this site definitly raised it's mark of "old games".
Tarnicus: Thank you :) Success is completion. Everything regarding survival in the game-book has been 'play-tested' IRL. I've been studying and putting survival skills into practise since 2007. I figure the way our species is heading, a little knowledge could go a long way in the right situation :)
That's really interesting ! (and courageous) I'm really curious to see your book when it'll be done ! Experience is really important when you write, and a game-book which uses real-life and experienced elements has good luck to be great ! :D
It's really fascinating and it'll be great when/if you come later share more with us. It'll be very pleasant to hear about ! (for me at least)

I must go now, diner awaiting, sorry ;)