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opticq: Why I love my dual screen setup:
Cavalary: With that resolution, you could even have them both on the same screen very easily :)
I could, I just like the idea of 1 screen just for the promo
New Seasoned Deal: Riven: The Sequel to Myst (-75%) [200]
FearfulSymmetry: This sale is not really my thing so far. The only games I got are the ones I got for free. :P The only thing that's tempted me so far is Dreamfall: Chapters, but I couldn't quite justify that price, given that I haven't finished playing through the first two games yet. Hopefully the sale will pick up for me later.
Play those games! They are something of the finest the adventure genre has to offer imo. Also remember that Dreamfall Chapters is an episodic game with an open schedule (they want to finish it in 2015 with all books released but at this pace I don't think they will meet this goal. Although it's better if they make it right without bugs then to make it in time).
Riven 200 at 75% off.

Edit: that's 1.39€ Prices only show after hitting F5
Post edited March 02, 2015 by toxicTom
Capsized makes two...
CarrionCrow: Damn it...guess watching Netflix isn't an option for round one. Tried doing that to stay awake and dozed off for maybe 20 minutes.

Bad, bad, bad idea.
FearfulSymmetry: I'm watching X-Files episodes, although I'm doing that at my computer, where it's easier to stay awake. :P
You're fortunate. I spend half the time falling asleep at my desk, so it's not easier to stay up that way.
genkicolleen: ...Of course posting is a different matter -- 2 to 4 pages back when I post :p
That's so annoyiiing!

Hah, I quite literally just posted that a short while ago and just won a free game from putting it in my cart for the first time, so apparently it does actually work. ;o)
HypersomniacLive: Are you on the 50posts/ pg setup?
Nope, 20. So you'll still be at 2 for a while then, I'll need to go past 5 too first.
I got 0 freebies, which is okay. I wonder if you have to click on the 'buy now' thing the moment it appears or if you need to wait a bit. I dunno.
C(r)apsized is selling pretty well. It looks nice but plays like the developers promised a million dollars to anyone who could finish it. :)
Grargar: New Seasoned Deal: Riven: The Sequel to Myst (-75%) [200]
I nearly jumped from my chair to buy it… but realized just on time it is actually one of the first games I bought on GOG!
yogsloth: Add Capsized at no charge. That's two already on the day. :)
Heey, me too! Must be one of the games with a higher giveaway quota or something, haha.
Riven... now there's a great classic!
IAmSinistar: C(r)apsized is selling pretty well. It looks nice but plays like the developers promised a million dollars to anyone who could finish it. :)
I considered it, since it really looks nice, but the reviews scared me off.