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Splatsch: I have to go eating, see you later all ! :)
Matruchus: Good appetite!
Thank you :)
IAmSinistar: We have some gift keys at hand, in case you miss its final appearance. Just let us know. :)
DyNaer: well i we be happy to take one of them in exchange of something of similar value :)
It seems trentonlf has you covered. Quelle surprise! :D
Post edited March 04, 2015 by IAmSinistar
justanoldgamer: Can you play it real fast in totality before the counter run out and give me your opinion?
And that I'd like to see!
Klumpen0815: Maybe it will come to Galaxy.
Has it LAN support?
LAN support ? , never tried only the online servers

btw the gamecard says single player (same on steam) :/
Pardinuz: I did get most of them during the last big sale but I didn't feel like getting The Black Mirror since the 3rd one was missing from the catalog.
Do you want it? It was my one and only crit, and I already have it.
To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
Tarnicus: Writer yes, author no. The difference to me is having something published, and the work I have spent the most time on is now the work I will publish last. I am currently writing a post-apocalyptic survival adventure game-book set in Australia, hopefully the first in a series.
lz8: Very cool! Then you should get off-line more often and offer the world your own imagination's adventure! :)
That's the plan. At least until this happened. I never managed to find a 'docotor' but fortunately found a doctor who helped :P
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
Get torchlight keys :P
HypersomniacLive: Hey genkicolleen! Are the sick family members better?
Not as well as I'd hoped! Hubby's worse, eldest is about the same, but I think youngest will be able to go back to school tomorrow. ^_^
auberon2k: To any of you that sometimes gift things to others and such during these sales: How do you decide what to grab extra keys for? I'd love to help people (like myself) out who can't watch the sales constantly for one reason or another (time zone, family, work... etc) At the same time I don't want to spend (read: waste) a pile on keys that no one ever wants. Any tips?
(I should really get more active in these forums, the community is so awesome every time I do post)
Just get games you personally like or that you know are popular.
Repeat Seasoned deal: Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (-75%) [150]
justanoldgamer: Can you play it real fast in totality before the counter run out and give me your opinion?
Rawland: Challenge Accepted....
Morituri te salutant, eh? The world is so big, even Skyrim + Oblivion is smaller than the world of Sacred 2. To play thru the whole game will take you easyly about 80+ hours.
Maxvorstadt: Well, that`s a variation I never heard before! :-)
the_voivod: *Conversation may not have happened.
I could have sworn I had one just like that, last thursday.
Got Far Cry 2 \o/

Planning to use it with some mods~