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The_Blog: Does anybody want a copy of Thunderscape?
Last copy that still doesn't have a loving and caring someone to activate it :)
I would give it a good home. :)
Looger23: And maybe banished, for a reduced price I probably would check it out.
TwistedFate.385: Banished is worth the full price. At the sale price, definitely pick it up.
I became cautious. In theory I like all those building games and I really want to like them but when I play them I find then amazing for a short while and then they bore me.

But for 5€ it's worth another try.
high rated
CalicoPup: Think I might grab Quest for Infamy if I'm around when it comes by again. Other than that...

Anyone want a copy of Pid?
LiefLayer: I do
Well buy it then!

Just kidding. Check your PMs.
trentonlf: LOL, I don't trust doctors. They are just practicing medicine after all ;-)
HypersomniacLive: Practice makes perfect?
Not with the doctors I have seen!

*I am looking at you ER doctor who failed to take a patient history, ask what medications I was on, and then prescribe medications that I react poorly to and another that is contraindicated for one of my conditions after stating clearly that I have an adverse reaction*
LiefLayer: I do
CalicoPup: Well buy it then!

Just kidding. Check your PMs.
XD thank you a lot...
Tarnicus: Writer yes, author no. The difference to me is having something published, and the work I have spent the most time on is now the work I will publish last. I am currently writing a post-apocalyptic survival adventure game-book set in Australia, hopefully the first in a series.
I've actually had something I wrote published.

it was a translation.
Maxvorstadt: Did anybody ever say "You look beautifull when you`re angry"? Just curious, heard it in some movies.
the_voivod: "You look so beautiful in the reflection of that knife you're wielding."
Well, that`s a variation I never heard before! :-)
genkicolleen: Hi all~! *wavies* I'm back at work today, so I won't be able to be around much, but I had to pop in and at least say, "Hiiii~!"
Hey genkicolleen! Are the sick family members better?
stg83: Unfortunately all of us completionists have been left hanging since Nordic decided to stop selling these with the exception of special promos so chances of Black Mirror III are quite slim.
While it sucks that they were removed from the catalog, it's great that we still get a chance to purchase them - and at a discount too!

Did anyone miss out on The Black Mirror?
guppy44: Hmm, I see this topic in my list but no individual replies. If I click the topic it just opens the general thread.
Exoanthrope: If there is a reply, there will be an arrow by the topic. You have to click the arrow to jump to the reply.
[url=][/url] This is all I see.

I see the arrow to the left of your post signifying a reply, but I have to sift through everything to find them. Is that correct?
Pharaoh + Cleopatra is an awesome game for anyone who likes city builder type games. I bought it a few years ago here and put it on to give it a quick test run and got sucked into playing it for about a week straight. The setting in Egypt really made the game fun as I love that type of setting and the history etc. of Egypt. Highly recommended for builder fans.
Just got my first crit on Sacred 2
j0ekerr: I spent 14 minutes on the phone, and the thread got 5 new pages.
I spent around an hour feeding a one year old the other day and the thread became lost to me. I was only caught up thru the first 4 pages on Monday. Now I only catch a handful of posts every couple hours. Eating lunch at work gives me the chance to maybe read a page haha. As fast as the thread and the sales go, its hard to keep up for all of us I'm sure.