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Tarnicus: I do not think I could finish my collection in 80 years of non-stop playing!
Klumpen0815: I stopped with internet boards for a while in the last years and you'd be surprised how many games you can finish without this distraction.
My plan is to stay away from boards and disable the newsletters from bundle sites after this deal.
Haha yes that would work! If it wasn't for these forums though, I would never have gone back to pursuing my creative writing :) I was amazed how much stuff I did when we had lightning take out our internet for 8 days. I was very productive!
btw, is there anyway a complete list of the games so that I can check if I have to wait for the third round?
djdarko: Dragon Pass would be cool if someone else hasn't asked for it already.
DyNaer: check your PM :)
high rated
trentonlf: LOL, I don't trust doctors. They are just practicing medicine after all ;-)
Practice makes perfect?
Heck Yeah, just picked up a gift code for Wasteland 1: Original Classic! Finally got my first critical hit!
HypersomniacLive: Actually no, they don't. I'm pretty much broke myself this time, and I'm sure I'm not the only one; do you see us nagging others to gift us anything?
Pidgeot: This.

I haven't had any income for more than half a year now, and I'm not begging anyone for anything either.
The same. Im too unemployed for more than a year but im not begging and I am very thankfull to the person (Samlii) that gave me Space Run as a gift in the community Unemployed gifting promo half a year ago.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus
Some pondering on my part.

The first cycle of the seasoned games took approximately 27 hours. The fresh ones took slightly longer.
The second cycle has a slightly more relaxed pace so I predict it'll finish somewhere around 35 hours. Same for the fresh deals.

That should put us at a rough estimate of 60-odd hours, giving us around 30 hours for a third cycle. Which would make it coincide with the end of the twitch marathon.

vanchann: Just keep in mind that it's planned to be trilogy so ends with a cliffhanger.
And suddenly I've lost all my interest... I should start to read game descriptions xP
Tarnicus: I store all my games in a Bag of Holding :)
Lemon_Curry: That's where I keep my balls... oh and chains!
That sounds painful! :P
andysheets1975: Yeaugh...just can't bring myself to pull the trigger on Quest for Infamy...
DeMignon: I liked it.
I'm sure I would like it, too, but I'm salivating over this sale and feeling tempted to spend money when I know I can't afford it right now :)
BillyMaysFan59: Any opinions on Wasteland 1? Is it easy enough to get into?
Tarnicus: I played it for hundreds of hours when I was younger but have yet to return to it. My view through nostalgic rose-tinted glasses is that it is brilliant! I am not sure I would say 'easy to get into' but that depends on your preferences and gaming history. If you have ever played any of the old Bard's Tale games, then I would say yes it is easy to get into and better than those :) It requires thinking and strategy and a hell of a lot of luck (without the right gear) in certain parts.
I always wanted to try it but I find the technicolor graphics to off-putting to play. Has anyone ever tried modding this game with a different color scheme?
high rated
auberon2k: Stupid work meetings :( Missed Tie Fighter once again. Some good stuff in this sale though. Anyone think they'll may a fourth repeat or maybe a big batch at the end?
Check your PM. Just sent you a gift.
Tarnicus: I'm going clean, I swear it! My collection has somehow gotten to well in excess of 2000 games....
DeMignon: If you finish 5 games a week, you're through in only 7,5 years ;-P
Given my preference for RPGs and turn-based strategy, I am not sure that would be possible :)
Pharaoh + Cleopatra. Yes or No? :)
Looger23: btw, is there anyway a complete list of the games so that I can check if I have to wait for the third round?
Go to the first post and follow the links.