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Why I love my dual screen setup:
FearfulSymmetry: This sale is not really my thing so far. The only games I got are the ones I got for free. :P The only thing that's tempted me so far is Dreamfall: Chapters, but I couldn't quite justify that price, given that I haven't finished playing through the first two games yet. Hopefully the sale will pick up for me later.
Well there are about 125 games to ^^
HypersomniacLive: And the system has started throwing me back two pages now.
4 for me...
FearfulSymmetry: This sale is not really my thing so far. The only games I got are the ones I got for free. :P The only thing that's tempted me so far is Dreamfall: Chapters, but I couldn't quite justify that price, given that I haven't finished playing through the first two games yet. Hopefully the sale will pick up for me later.
The_Blog: Well there are about 125 games to ^^
Excellent point. And I suppose a slow start is good for my wallet. :P
EndreWhiteMane: One person has scored 3 games so far so I think pretty random.
penumbren: I'm just wondering if everyone has a % to get each particular game free, or if it's determined anew every time the game is clicked on, if that makes sense. (I did see those three freebies - lucky person! :)
It makes sense but I really don't have answer, so far I'm 1 for 4 so can't tell yet.
EndreWhiteMane: Good for you, may your luck hold. :-)
huN73R: Is it only free for some or is it a reflex based thing?
It is just based on luck. If you click on buy it may show you that it will cost nothing.
Add Capsized at no charge. That's two already on the day. :)
I'm not reloading this thread at all -- I just click on the link icon of the last post in the thread. I don't miss anything that way :D

...Of course posting is a different matter -- 2 to 4 pages back when I post :p
Post edited March 02, 2015 by genkicolleen
GOG just sent out the mailer and the site stopped working for me lol.
Damn it...guess watching Netflix isn't an option for round one. Tried doing that to stay awake and dozed off for maybe 20 minutes.

Bad, bad, bad idea.
moonshineshadow: It is just based on luck. If you click on buy it may show you that it will cost nothing.
Thank you. It makes sense, insomnia is the name of the game. My first one over here, missed the one in May.
opticq: Why I love my dual screen setup:
With that resolution, you could even have them both on the same screen very easily :)
Cavalary: 4 for me...
Are you on the 50posts/ pg setup?

And congrats again to those getting freebies!
CarrionCrow: Damn it...guess watching Netflix isn't an option for round one. Tried doing that to stay awake and dozed off for maybe 20 minutes.

Bad, bad, bad idea.
I'm watching X-Files episodes, although I'm doing that at my computer, where it's easier to stay awake. :P
CarrionCrow: Damn it...guess watching Netflix isn't an option for round one. Tried doing that to stay awake and dozed off for maybe 20 minutes.

Bad, bad, bad idea.
You might as well start cleaning some cups so you won't have to worry about what's in them after the
third round starts... :P