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lostwolfe: with the last promo, they had freebies. these were quite limited in stock and most people who wanted them got gog-bear'd because bots were [repotedly] nnija'ing the games.
IAmSinistar: This one has "random free buys", which have worked well in other sales. Basically, when you go to buy a game, there's a chance you'll get it for free instead.
ah. i didn't know that. that's a reasonable fix to that problem.
CarrionCrow: You've got better odds than I do, that helps. =)
RWarehall: So by halfway to 600, I'm assuming you don't mean 300...
No, I meant halfway between 5 and 6 hundred.
Hello, Insomniacs! It's a pleasure to see us all back together again. Sure, the sale is getting off to a slow start as many GOGlodytes are still wiping the sleep out of their eyes from a restful weekend. Within a few hours, things are sure to get much more hectic. Many early thanks to IAmSinistar and the army of assistants that will undoubtedly arrive for their diligence and generosity.

Let the sleeping in shifts begin!
high rated
I was wondering how free games work this time, and clicked on the "Buy Now" of Bad Mojo Redux.
Guess what? I got a free copy!

So, free games work exactly like they did during the Spring Insomnia.
Elinnea: Wowee, first game up is Driftmoon, one I've had on my wishlist for a long time, and when I click on it I find out I get it for free. Critical hit indeed!

I enjoy insomnia sales, and this one's off to a good start for me! :D
AgentBirdnest: Congrats :-)
Thanks :)

P.S. Thanks as always, IAmSinistar, for your diligence in keeping up with these things.
HypersomniacLive: I was wondering how free games work this time, and clicked on the "Buy Now" of Bad Mojo Redux.
Guess what? I got a free copy!

So, free games work exactly like they did during the Spring Insomnia.
"Hell yeah!" :D
This is great! I picked up Driftmoon, installed it, played it, won it.

Okay, so whats on sale now? :P
tinyE: This is great! I picked up Driftmoon, installed it, played it, won it.

Okay, so whats on sale now? :P
Bad Mojo. You play as a cockroach. Beat that one, then get back to us. ;)
tinyE: This is great! I picked up Driftmoon, installed it, played it, won it.

Okay, so whats on sale now? :P
CarrionCrow: Bad Mojo. You play as a cockroach. Beat that one, then get back to us. ;)
I bought that the day it was released.
That is like the ultimate tinyE game.
CarrionCrow: You've got better odds than I do, that helps. =)
RWarehall: So by halfway to 600, I'm assuming you don't mean 300...
Uh.. why not?
Aw, worst week for me. Gonna have a lot to do for university. Guess thats punishment for getting pid, shelter & alan wake for free during the last insomnia sale. Hope there are a few new games on sale to pick up this time
Post edited March 02, 2015 by Esputi
There really isn't an adventure game like Bad Mojo. It is very unique, highly recommended. Not many games quite so different...
Elinnea: Wowee, first game up is Driftmoon, one I've had on my wishlist for a long time, and when I click on it I find out I get it for free. Critical hit indeed!

I enjoy insomnia sales, and this one's off to a good start for me! :D
Oh man, I ended up clicking on Bad Mojo just to see if I'd get a freebie too, and yes! So I'm now the proud owner of Bad Mojo after all. :P
But hey, where are our weekly staff picks? ;)
Elinnea: Wowee, first game up is Driftmoon, one I've had on my wishlist for a long time, and when I click on it I find out I get it for free. Critical hit indeed!

I enjoy insomnia sales, and this one's off to a good start for me! :D
FearfulSymmetry: Oh man, I ended up clicking on Bad Mojo just to see if I'd get a freebie too, and yes! So I'm now the proud owner of Bad Mojo after all. :P
Hehehe well done. Now you too can enjoy life as a cockroach.