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the_voivod: So when's Nox meant to roughly reappear? I'm here only really for Shadowgate at this point, but I'm interested in buying if only because it sold out so quickly time went backwards.
I think Arcanum and all the Lucasfilm games reached 88 mph even harder.
mailman27: Has TIE Fighter come up again? I'm looking at this on my phone and it is hard to navigate.
No, not yet. Tracker thread:
trentonlf: I most certainly would not.
And that's telling - trentonlf is one of the most generous people on this forum!
gamingrn: Just got back on here for a little bit. Looks like Neverending Nightmares was around 40 copies? How long has it been up? I recall it was quite a while the first time at 100.
50, but yeah its not so stellar reviews, plus relatively high price for a sale are contributing towards it :/
gamesfreak64: it is weird but it looks nice indeed, the price is a bit high even at promo, i agree
beiing and adventure the replay value is already lower then any rts or rpg or action/fighting game

i mean i replayed c&c and red alert games many many times even the jagged alliance , fallout commandos and more games like that.
Adventure usually have a goal (most games do) and once you seen it you wont come back for a long time.
Thats why is usually have action games/rpg cause these can be played even if you have finished them.
Micro-BIOS: The most replayability I got from an "adventure" was Stanley Parable. Or the three paths of Indiana Jones Atlantis.
Another one was King's Quest 6 with the 2 possible paths to the end and slightly different endings based on what you did or didn't do.
Micro-BIOS: The most replayability I got from an "adventure" was Stanley Parable. Or the three paths of Indiana Jones Atlantis.
For me it would be Quest for Glory and Quest for Infamy, just playing different calsses.
Agh. When will grimrock 1, and nox, come up again? It's past 1am here and I have an appoinment at 6. :-)
Shadowrun returns and dragonfall would be very nice... I missed shadowrun returns both times! Oh lordie....

Is there chance that planescape torment will be on sale on this event?
mailman27: Has TIE Fighter come up again? I'm looking at this on my phone and it is hard to navigate.
Matruchus: No, not yet. Tracker thread:
Thanks for the link!
owein: Hi,

Is there chance that planescape torment will be on sale on this event?
No, its not in the promo, sorry. Tracker:
owein: Hi,

Is there chance that planescape torment will be on sale on this event?

nope, it's not in the pool.

Edit: Ninjas everywhere.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815
gamesfreak64: ... i mean i replayed c&c and red alert games many many times even the jagged alliance , fallout commandos and more games like that.
Adventure usually have a goal (most games do) and once you seen it you wont come back for a long time.
Thats why is usually have action games/rpg cause these can be played even if you have finished them.
One of these days I'm going to complete a play through an adventure game!

I have fun with them but have yet to finish one. :/
high rated
InaneKorruption: I just checked Day 2's repeats and it looks like I've missed both Sudeki and Wizardry 8 by one game and from the looks of it Legend of Grimrock 2 will appear at 1:00 am for me (Unless no one buys Spacecom or Hitman 2).

So I guess this is good night GOG. I wish anyone in search of a specific game very good luck.
You're not missing Wizardry 8 anymore, PM sent! :-)
And the race is on:

AOW2 - 5 left
NN - 4 left

Who's going to take it?

Edit now 3 to 1. NN still in the lead!

Edit2: And NN wins it!
Post edited March 04, 2015 by hummer010