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Grargar: Later rounds did show up with more copies than the first round.
Aren't we all waiting for the 25k of Jack Keane?
BillyMaysFan59: Just got that one for free! W000t!!

Thanks GOG!
W00T indeed! Hope this marks the beginning of your luck during this promo.
Now I am waiting for more frebie!
GOG is new drug in town...
gamesfreak64: i like bravelands i already have 1 and 2 and am waitin for 3 to come on GOG
Braveland 3?
tinyE: Am I the only one today who has rushed to get a game only to realize I already have the damn thing? :P
You are not. :)
budejovice: Seems like fewer copies on average than last Insomnia. Didn't SC2K show up with 1000 (or one of the Theme games.)

Maybe I'm mistaken...
In the first round there weren't that many, then they tended to increase in the next ones, unless they sold very poorly before. I do recall 700 copies of NWN (or NWN2?) and a few others at at least 500. I also recall them going pretty darn fast, with some with 100 copies or so over in a few seconds and even some of these with many going darn fast. Not happening now so far, though it did seem to pick up a bit lately, news getting around and all.
Also, GOG's traditional "main" titles not up yet.
New Seasoned deal: Thunderscape (-75%) [100]
Maxvorstadt: I already own Sudeki, so I won`t buy it. Bought it in another sale.
HypersomniacLive: You could try to pick up a gift code though. ;-)
I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
Thanks everyone. I'll try playing my catch later. :)

I'll have to change my avatar to Garrett... because I just "stole" a free game. :P
Post edited March 02, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59
HypersomniacLive: You could try to pick up a gift code though. ;-)
MarkoH01: I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
You can use your own email---the one tied to your account. It will jsut send you an email with the code instead of auto-applying it to your account.
HypersomniacLive: You could try to pick up a gift code though. ;-)
MarkoH01: I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
Send it to yourself then you can give out the gift code
HypersomniacLive: You could try to pick up a gift code though. ;-)
MarkoH01: I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
Your own e-mail address would work.
high rated
MarkoH01: I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
You put in your own email. :-)
MarkoH01: I was not able to do this because they wanted to have an e-mail adress of the recepient?
You can put any e-mail you like (even a fake one or your one); the gift code will be stored in the gifts tab of your library.
Cyraxpt: Sorry the offtopic but is there a way to save the cc info on gog? I want to use my phone to check the promotions and if there's something that i like then i'll buy it from there but i don't want to insert my cc info (especially using the phone) every time that i buy something.
No, GOG intentionally does not save credit card info for security reasons. If you search Google for web based credit card number theft due to website hijackings you'll find gob loads of high profile sites and then some where credit card info and other personal information have been stolen by hackers who compromise websites. It's practically inevitable, and from a security perspective the best way to stop it is to not store the info at the store. I'm quite happy GOG has taken that security measure.

For those who don't want to type their info in all the time, install a web browser extension designed to auto-fill in forms or even specifically for automating credit card usage. One such plugin for firefox is "Abine Privacy Suite" although there are others. This keeps your credit card info stored on your own computer instead, and I think it has an option to encrypt it as well (I'd have to double check that). Much more secure in any case. There are almost certainly similar extensions for Chrome and probably other browsers as well.

Hope this helps.