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justanoldgamer: I do wish GOG would be open how the freebie system works internally. In the mean time I believe that all that dark matter and energy that astronomers can't explain is luck which's distribution is very uneven in the universe.
I have a feeling you have to own a certain amount of games before the gog freebie system actually acknowledges you.
MrDrWatson: Why was Jack Keane 2 removed from GOG?
It was gone because of the introduction of regional pricing here
alongside Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods, Spellforce, Spellforce 2 and a lot of others...

justanoldgamer: I do wish GOG would be open how the freebie system works internally. In the mean time I believe that all that dark matter and energy that astronomers can't explain is luck which's distribution is very uneven in the universe.
Matruchus: I have a feeling you have to own a certain amount of games before the gog freebie system actually acknowledges you.
I have a feeling the system casts you out if you got more than a specific number of games on your account. ;)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Klumpen0815
got everything I wanted, and even Grimrock II which I didn't really want as it's still quite expensive (still have to finish first game), but what the heck... :) I got promoted today, so let's celebrate :D
Kunovski: got everything I wanted, and even Grimrock II which I didn't really want as it's still quite expensive (still have to finish first game), but what the heck... :) I got promoted today, so let's celebrate :D
Congratulations to the promotion! Have a nice celebration :)
Klumpen0815: I have a feeling the system casts you out if you got more than a specific number of games on your account. ;)
I don't know really cause I own cca. 17% of gogs catalog :)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus
Kunovski: got everything I wanted, and even Grimrock II which I didn't really want as it's still quite expensive (still have to finish first game), but what the heck... :) I got promoted today, so let's celebrate :D
All caught up thanks to HypersomniacLive, and soon we'll be into DAY THREE!
justanoldgamer: I do wish GOG would be open how the freebie system works internally. In the mean time I believe that all that dark matter and energy that astronomers can't explain is luck which's distribution is very uneven in the universe.
Matruchus: I have a feeling you have to own a certain amount of games before the gog freebie system actually acknowledges you.
Is 518 enough? I average about one freebie per sale of this type. Anyone here has a small library but been very lucky with the freebies?
MrDrWatson: Why was Jack Keane 2 removed from GOG?
Klumpen0815: It was gone because of the introduction of regional pricing here
alongside Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods, Spellforce, Spellforce 2 and a lot of others...

Matruchus: I have a feeling you have to own a certain amount of games before the gog freebie system actually acknowledges you.
Klumpen0815: I have a feeling the system casts you out if you got more than a specific number of games on your account. ;)
Have 233 games on my account. Got 5 freebies so far. Didn't got any last sale besides Torchlight. So I think it is just completly random ^^
LiefLayer: no, you're not alone
Senteria: same here
Same for me...

huN73R: Truth time, there's no freebies. It's just a prank.
...but i know they exist because i was generously gifted one :)

Edit: Clarification
Post edited March 04, 2015 by ElTerprise
stg83: The game is no more on GOG, but the Legend lives on. :)
klappis: What's so special about it? Is it just because it took hours to sell out?
Jack Keane 2's price was much higher than the majority of games in the sale making it likely to sell less copies in volume, however GOG included it in the sale without taking this into account and so there were hundreds of copies taking forever to sell while most folk were eager to pick up $3 or less games and had to wait 7 hours for the game to finally sell out at the $11+ price it had at the time. It was just a case of GOG making an error in judgment about the number of copies to offer in the promo with nothing in place to prevent a game from stalling the sale and it happened at a bad time of the day after business hours when GOG folk were all sleeping so everyone had to endure a grueling 7 hour wait and passed the time cracking jokes about the game and it's name, and over time it turned into a GOG Internet meme and ended up even getting game media coverage.

Even though people bickered about it and said negative things about the game, it really wasn't a reflection of how good or bad the game was or it's quality and just emotional reaction and humour about how it held up the sale promo. Those of us who were there at the time keep the meme alive every time a game slows down a sale promotion by not selling quick enough by referring to the process as "keaning" and trying to be humourous by including Keane in the title of various games that appear to slow down the promos. For example if the two current games were keaning we might call them "Tomb Keaner" and "Keantucky Route Zero"... :)
The_Blog: Have 233 games on my account. Got 5 freebies so far. Didn't got any last sale besides Torchlight. So I think it is just completly random ^^
Yeah, it does seem to be totally random then. Never got any freebie to date on gog sales.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by Matruchus
Klumpen0815: It was gone because of the introduction of regional pricing here
alongside Gothic 2, Gothic 3, Gothic 3 Forsaken Gods, Spellforce, Spellforce 2 and a lot of others...

I have a feeling the system casts you out if you got more than a specific number of games on your account. ;)
The_Blog: Have 233 games on my account. Got 5 freebies so far. Didn't got any last sale besides Torchlight. So I think it is just completly random ^^
837 games, got nothing last time, two in this one :)
justanoldgamer: Is 518 enough? I average about one freebie per sale of this type. Anyone here has a small library but been very lucky with the freebies?
64 games (including all other free games on GOG and free games I got in other promos) and 3 freebies till now.

ElTerprise: Same for me...

...but i know they exist because i was generously given one :)
Don't tell him everything, we want the competition to reduce.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by huN73R
Kunovski: got everything I wanted, and even Grimrock II which I didn't really want as it's still quite expensive (still have to finish first game), but what the heck... :) I got promoted today, so let's celebrate :D
Congratulations! A promotion is a great reason to cut loose and get what you want.
LiefLayer: no, you're not alone
Turtlesaur: yeah theres more of us than you think :P

edit: now i feel i have "discovered" gog earlier, but i blame my obsession with owning all my games at one place... til i realized i dont actually own them :p oh well, we live and learn. or just live, whatever :)
No freebie here either.