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Went to work 1,5h and same game I don't want. Argh don't make me go work again.
But got Ink, yeii! :)
I have to step out for a couple of hours. If no one of the other regular trackers takes over in the mean time, I'll continue updating the list until IAmSinistar shows up.
I'm wondering if there are maximum number of free game we can get from the double insomnia promo? I've just got my first freebie from this promo.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by asrul1992
asrul1992: I'm wondering if there are maximum number of free game we can get from the double insomnia promo? I've just got my first freebie from this promo.
I highly doubt it.
seaspanky: "You might even have a chance to get a free game, if you're lucky that is."

Is the amount of people getting free games down quite a bit from previous promos? I haven't seen the same widespread free game winning success as I did during previous years.
Not sure there is a way to even begin to measure that. :) I've participated in all the past promos like this that had freebies and never got even a single one (not that I cared either way mind you, but it's nice to win if you do <grin>), however in 1 day of this promo I did get 2 free games already so if I were to base something on that I'd say this promo gives infinity more free games than all previous ones combined. That's not enough data to make accurate judgment from however, so such math is pretty much almost all "margin of error".

I can make some other observations though. Insomnia sale #1 was shiny new and attracted tonnes of people and there was massive chatter in the forums of epic proportions from it including praise, bickering, and everything the Internet has to offer. There were glitches because it was new and lots more to say about that etc. GOG refined it somewhat for the 2nd Insomnia and again for this one and I think while there are still glitches and problems that arise for people - there always will be, but that this time around everything is a lot more honed and smoother so less problems to report (even though there are problems). It's not shiny new anymore though and so while many folks came for the first one the new ones lost that shiny new status for many, and also for people who decided Insomnia sale wasn't to their taste and avoid it for their own reasons. Forum participation in these threads seems lower than prior Insomnias by a good amount but I don't think that reflects less interest but rather that it lost its shiny new badge and it runs smoother so some portion of people have less to say.

If I am right in that, if less people have less to say, we'll hear less of what is happening in the sale for them including how many people might be winning free games, and so we have no way to remotely tell whether there are more or less or any other way to look at it. Additionally the way free games are handled is much cleaner and less problematic than before, and is much fairer of a system and less gameable. Again, smoother so less to complain about something working poorly.
I had missed they were doing free games again in this promo. Not had one myself this time around.
Grargar: Same case with X-Wing which got to 400 from 200.
Hopefully the next round it goes to 1500 and while I'm awake. :)
Bleary-eyed and running late getting ready for work, I hastily type this just to say that I got Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. Phew! Also, very relieved to see that someone is covering for Grargar as well. I was about to just do it, but I'm glad I clicked through the thread a bit first. See you guys officially in about an hour or so.
Tekkaman-James: Bleary-eyed and running late getting ready for work, I hastily type this just to say that I got Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms. Phew! Also, very relieved to see that someone is covering for Grargar as well. I was about to just do it, but I'm glad I clicked through the thread a bit first. See you guys officially in about an hour or so.
I'm glad you got the game you were looking for :D And thanks for having thought about Grargar ;)
See ya' ! :)
I'm a bit torn on S:HK.. I'm kind of interested in the game, but it's still above 10 euros, it might just turn out to be a less good Torchlight 2, and I heard the "free Book 2 update" might never happen at all (at no fault of the developer, there's publisher troubles, apparently).
OMG, I just returned from lunch after more than half an hour, and I see, that Shadows is still there.
That`s crazy, seems we have a strong favorite for winning the Double Insomnia Keane Award.
Kind of funny... :)

Heh, when URU Chronicles was on sale a short while ago, I asked:

Is URU Chronicles any good compared to Myst or Riven? I've played the latter and very much enjoyed them, and I own the other Myst games but not got around to them yet. URU is the one I don't yet own and know practically nothing about. Contemplating possibly grabbing it while it is still there.

Then had to leave the computer for a bit before I got an answer. By the time I got back the game disappeared as I took too long. I didn't even remember until just now and I went to look and see if anyone replied so I could put it on my wishlist for next time. The GOG page for URU would not _let_ me put it on my wishlist though so I was wondering what the heck was up with that.

I went to my game library page to get to the wishlist and check if it was already on the wishlist but it wasn't, then back to my GOG library. Went through looking for something else and stumbled across... oh... wait... what's that? <sigh> I already own URU Chronicles. LOL!!! Talk about duh! :P
Post edited March 04, 2015 by skeletonbow
Both times missed Indiana Jones and Sam & Max. I hope they return ...
zlep: Oh, yeah. I forgot the streaming. That is going for 96 hours, so that's probably the predictable part of the program.

Speaking of streaming, I assumed the GOG Twitch archive just stayed forever, like Youtube. But I went to watch BaerTaffy's GOGTwitch stream on Metrocide the other day (I wanted an idea of how repetitive the gameplay is) and found that it was deleted. :-(
CarrionCrow: I just looked to see if perhaps the streams were being archived by GOG on Youtube. There's only one saved to their account.
Maybe the individual streamers have the videos on channels so they can pull ad revenue?
Seem to be a sometimes-maybe kind of thing. Jesse Cox put his GOGTwitch Freedom Planet stream up on Youtube. And Outstar has youtubed a highlights series of the Divinity: Original Sin playthrough she and Geordy Jones finished recently. But they seem to be the exceptions rather than the rule. BaerTaffy just has a 30 second video on his Youtube channel linking people to his GOG Metrocide stream, but it's a dead link now. :-(

Seems a lost opportunity for GOG. There are several games that I wasn't sure I'd like (outside my preferred genres) which I've bought or wishlisted after watching them streamed. Keeping a full archive of the streams would have been a good resource for future buyers. There's always Youtube playthroughs, of course, but they don't plug GOG while they play. ^_^
crazybear86: Both times missed Indiana Jones and Sam & Max. I hope they return ...
There should be a third round, so don't desperate ;)