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Sam and Max Hit the Road
67 Copies in the last 10 minutes
Moving at a rate of about 6.7 copies per minute

I estimate about 17-28 minutes left on "Sam and Max Hit the Road" based on available data.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by MissFable
Sam and Max sold out a lot faster last night.
19 LEFT!

Go go! Gotta see what's next!
Exoanthrope: Oh, I see. Yeah, they're all either demos or quite short. It would have been nice to have at least one full length game come out.
Dalthnock: I think the Golden Age of Adventure games was due to those people being there at that time.

Then they all spread out, and...


Have you tried Bill Tiller's Autumn Moon games? They're gorgeous, but...
I haven't. So... but what?

And yeah, I think you're right. I played Resonance and The Samaritan Paradox, which are both 2d, modern adventure games here on GoG, but they were merely okay. I haven't seen anything even remotely approaching another Fate of Atlantis, King's Quest VI or Gabriel Knight, and I probably never will.
I think we'll have to post Anomaly 2 deal on other forums to ensure that deal changes.
jcoa: Sam and Max sold out a lot faster last night.
Well it had about twice the quantity this time.
In Rd 1 Anomaly 2 sold 150 units in 32 minutes.
Rd 2, they've sold 85 (15 to go) in 95 minutes.
8BitGinno: 19 LEFT!

Go go! Gotta see what's next!
Last night was it's 1st appearance during the sale which means there were more people who wanted it. Also this time there are 800 copies where last night there was only 400. Pity they decided to double the amount; it sold 400 copies in 20min this round so we would have been done already.
8BitGinno: 19 LEFT!

Go go! Gotta see what's next!
MissFable: Last night was it's 1st appearance during the sale which means there were more people who wanted it. Also this time there are 800 copies where last night there was only 400. Pity they decided to double the amount; it sold 400 copies in 20min this round so we would have been done already.
Ah, I see. That makes sense.

And ah crap! I jinxed it. It's slowing down now.. Gah.
12:48 180 copies
12:58 116 copies
Sam and Max Hit the Road
64 Copies in the last 10 minutes
Moving at a rate of about copies 6.4 per minute
I estimate about 17 minutes left on S&M. Anomaly 2 might beat it.

MissFable: Last night was it's 1st appearance during the sale which means there were more people who wanted it. Also this time there are 800 copies where last night there was only 400. Pity they decided to double the amount; it sold 400 copies in 20min this round so we would have been done already.
8BitGinno: Ah, I see. That makes sense.

And ah crap! I jinxed it. It's slowing down now.. Gah.
only dropped by .3 per minute so not much of a jinx
Post edited March 04, 2015 by MissFable
trentonlf: Sadly you really can't, but it sure would be nice to have some sort of alarm system at a time like this LOL :)
huN73R: Hehe

Didn't try it myself but heard that it works as an alarm when deals change.
Wow. Well, it works.
One of the games I've been waiting for! Legend of Grimrock 2!

Anomaly 2 doesn't have a big fan base.... However, Legends of Grimrock 2 will fly out quickly!
Sam and Max Hit the Road
12:58 116 copies
1:08 39 copies
77 Copies in the last 10 minutes
Moving at a rate of about 7.7 copies per minute