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The_Blog: What games did you guys miss so far?
Sam and Max: Hit the Road was the one that went pretty fast before I could catch it. Now again I'm getting quite weary due to Keanes of War and SpaceKeane moving at a snails pace. :)
3rd crit on Spacecom. Keeping it as a code for now. If anyone wants it they can have it.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by huN73R
evilnancyreagan: Doing good things with the explicit intent of expecting a return in your 'investment' is not how it works.

It is evident that GOG has achieved a superior galactic karmatic balance :]
LynetteC: l don't really expect any rewards for all my purchases, but hearing of people getting 4-5 freebies or one of the big games like Wasteland 2 or Dreamfall leaves me wondering what I've done in a past life that I can only score free games for other people!

Doesn't stop me trying (or buying) though! :-)
i think it is what it supposed to be: random, so its not a carma related thing
Did they have like a final day-don't miss it-sale, last time they did this? I can't remember and damnit I want Shadowrun Returns for 2.99. :)
I missed Wasteland 2 by mere seconds last time it was up. That really upset me.
stg83: Sam and Max: Hit the Road was the one that went pretty fast before I could catch it.
was it faster than vangers?
opticq: I'm coming back every 30 mins and those 2 games are still here. -_-
Yep, lets hope their isn't a movie queued up behind SpaceKeane otherwise we will all have to call it day on the promo.
apehater: was it faster than vangers?
I am not sure since came to know about it by checking the list.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by stg83
stg83: Yep, lets hope their isn't a movie queued up behind SpaceKeane otherwise we will all have to call it day on the promo.
If there is a movie I curse you with a thousand paper cuts and being continuously dipped in rubbing alcohol!
stg83: Sam and Max: Hit the Road was the one that went pretty fast before I could catch it.
apehater: was it faster than vangers?
I'll check the logs, but I think Vangers went faster - though to be fair, Vangers had up fewer copies this round.
trentonlf: If there is a movie I curse you with a thousand paper cuts and being continuously dipped in rubbing alcohol!
Haha...hey I am just predicting a movie because its exactly how GOG likes to torture us with this promo. :P
stg83: In previous insomnia promos its been 3 cycles for the whole batch of games on sale.
If the Fresh completes 3 cycles well before the third Seasoned cycle is complete, I wonder what happens. Does the Fresh side enter a 4th cycle, or will we see some Seasoned titles only twice? Or will the Seasoned side continue on, all alone?

Probably been speculated on already, though I haven't been following the thread at all.
stg83: Sam and Max: Hit the Road was the one that went pretty fast before I could catch it.
apehater: was it faster than vangers?
srsly, where did all this Vangers love come from--so out of the blue?

I won't knock it, it's a good thing!
Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition (-60%) [400]

Well, shit. I think that happened on my way home from work.

Time for bed. Hopefully I won't sleep through Freedom Planet or Pier Solar again :p
zomd: Did they have like a final day-don't miss it-sale, last time they did this? I can't remember and damnit I want Shadowrun Returns for 2.99. :)
If this follows the pattern of the previous insomnias, no.

Mind you, GOG has not explicitely stated the structure of this sale.
chance7006: While we wait..... I just discovered is a thing. Has anyone subscribed and is it worth the dinero?
Exoanthrope: My brother is subscribed, he loves it. There is a lot of useless collector junk, but some of it is really cool. Although for anything you get that you don't like, It could make interesting gift ideas.
Gift ideas, hmm, that's a very good point. I think I just might grab the current "spy" theme they have going this month. Could get a mysterious decoder ring or maybe some invisible ink.